Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Patchwork by Dropkick

Patchwork cover art

Artist: Dropkick
Title: Patchwork
Catalogue Number: Sound Asleep Records
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2008

Dropkick are back once more with their new album "Patchwork". This Edinburgh band is certainly prolific; knocking out albums faster than the Scottish National Party can lose by-elections.

There are many of the Dropkick hallmarks on display on this album. Tight sibling harmonies feature on many of the songs (such as the title track) and Roy W Taylor's laconic vocals are always welcome with "Making Time to Talk" taking the band into country rock territory. "Nowhere Girl", whilst lightweight, is classic feel good Dropkick that will bring a smile to your face. And the best track on the album? That would have to be catchy "Lucky That the Heart" that features an appearance by ex Dead Beat Club front man Andy Tucker.

Maybe it is a side effect of doing the vast majority of the singing, playing and producing yourself in your own studio, but Dropkick seem a bit unadventurous on this album. The wry humour of their early work - and, indeed, of their live performances - is also lacking. On the evidence of this album, they don't really seem to be going anywhere as a band and, whilst "Patchwork" is a well crafted and likeable album that will no doubt be enjoyed by their fans, it just lacks direction and that certain pizzazz that would take it to a wider audience. Perhaps it is time for them to learn to play with others?
Review Date: November 9 2008