Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Move Over Darling b/w Snapshot Queen by Blonde on Blonde

Move Over Darling b/w Snapshot Queen cover art

Artist: Blonde on Blonde
Title: Move Over Darling b/w Snapshot Queen
Catalogue Number: Precision PAR101
Review Format: 45
Release Year: 1980

One more into the Vinyl Vault dear friends… This time we uncover "Move Over Darling" by Blonde on Blonde. Hell, it's a standard and everybody and their sister has covered it, so why not our favourite blondes (seem to remember that Tracey Ullman had a hit with it in the early eighties as well).  All the way from 1980 and actually predating the Tracey Ullman version, this is a relatively straight cover that does not really fit in with the disco stuff we are used to from these delightful ladies but so that you know you are in the eighties, there's a cheesy synth to put in it all in context. Actually, this is quite listenable in a standard girl on girl way (ooh err missus…). It would make many a pub singer proud.

Keeping it company is "Snapshot Queen" - A quasi rock song with a smattering of the Peter Gunn theme that points clearly in the direction of their best known song - a cover of Led Zep's "Whole Lotta Love". Not exactly memorable but the edgy Lene Lovich style vocal delivery does actually work.

Think that must be the lot from Blonde on Blonde in the Vinyl Vault. Then again, I could be wrong.
Review Date: November 12 2008