Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Illusory Fields of Unconsciousness by Recs of the Flesh

Illusory Fields of Unconsciousness cover art

Artist: Recs of the Flesh
Title: Illusory Fields of Unconsciousness
Catalogue Number: Raising Real RRR001
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2008

It would seem that most people want a safety net with their music. Maybe a cover version of an old hit. Nice looking boys and girls to sing songs that will fill their dull Saturday nights in front of the television. Then again, maybe you seek something a bit more exciting…

And with a thunderous roar, you get it. Bloody hell! Recs of the Flesh don't hold back. From start to finish, this band sounds like the deranged offspring of some perverted threesome involving the Prodigy, Eternal Tears of Sorrow and the Doors. Heavily processed vocals predominate, guitars screech like the soundtrack to some strung out psychedelic trip. The keyboards reinforce the illusion whilst the drums thud away in the background nailing the songs down to the ground. By this time you get to "Intensive Care Unit" - a song that makes like that nightmare you get every now and then after too much drink - you've turned the volume right up. "Getting It On" is a tribal chant that stirs the spirit. "Not Easily Impressed" is nothing less than a steamroller. Interspersed between the tracks are sound bites from all over the place - there's even one from the X-Files!

It's not often these days that an album hits as hard as this one. There are death metal bands out there who can only dream of making as much sonic impact as Recs of the Flesh do. Perhaps not an album that will be to everyone's taste but very worthy of your attention.
Review Date: January 26 2011