Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Lonely Boy and Other Tragedies by Lonely Boy

Lonely Boy and Other Tragedies cover art

Artist: Lonely Boy
Title: Lonely Boy and Other Tragedies
Catalogue Number: Series Two Records
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2008

A reissue (the original release was on the Filthy Little Angels label) by an American label called Series Two Records, these eight tracks by Lonely Boy represent the melancholic - as you might have guessed from the title - side of twee pop.

A collaboration between Eivind Kirkeby and Anthony Harding, this release features all the hallmarks of the genre like fragile vocals and a minimalist production. It would be easy to dismiss songs like the title track "Lonely Boy" and "Girls and Love" as sub-Morrissey whining but there is more to this band than that. Whilst there is a definite lack of jaunty sing-alongs, the songs are too well constructed with lyrics that show warmth and compassion for the human condition to be depressing. So, while most of us turn to drink or drugs to fill the emptiness of our lives, Lonely Boy instead write sad little songs in their bedsits. The worrying thing here is that these songs may have more relevance to most people than they would care to admit.
Review Date: December 4 2008