Another little punk rarity, this time from The Others. No I don't actually know who The Others are (or were). There are names listed on the back of the sleeve - Phil Swinburne, Pete Hodges, Dave Stainforth, Chris Hollinshead and John Bulloch, but can't say that I can place any of them.
Compared to other punk singles of the period, "Birmingham Reggie" is a pretty mellow thing. When most British punk singles would just run up to you and punch you in the face, this one dances around you. It kind of reminded me of The Police when they were mega successful with its vaguely reggae feel. The flipside "Lemmings Die Young" is likewise restrained and tuneful but with some entertaining guitar work to keep your interest. Trying to think back to why I bought this at the time of release, I couldn't really remember. I reckon it was probably because it was on red vinyl. I used to buy a lot of coloured vinyl in those days, mainly from a record shop in Essex called Adrians which, I was pleased to find, is still in business
The label, City Records, were actually famous for something as well. Their next release after this one (NIK5, if you can't add) was the debut single from the UK Subs. Kaboom!