Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Les Ondes Silencieuses by Colleen

Les Ondes Silencieuses cover art

Artist: Colleen
Title: Les Ondes Silencieuses
Catalogue Number: Leaf BAY57V
Review Format: LP
Release Year: 2008

Random purchases. The true record collector is always prone to random purchases. Whilst browsing in Mono in Glasgow, this LP just jumped straight into the Bluesbunny's hand. "Take me home", it said, "you won't regret it". Hence, Colleen's album "Les Ondes Silencieuses" found its way on to the turntable at Bluesbunny Towers.

Ostensibly categorised as minimal acoustic music (whatever that might be…), this is haunting, modern day classical music. It's not exactly Bluesbunny's usual cup of tea but it did pass the important test on the first listen. By the end of the first track, I had stopped what I was doing and sat down to listen to the rest of the album. Struck by the sheer beauty of Colleen's playing on the viola de gamba (a precursor to the cello, apparently), the title track - "Quiet Waves" for those who do not speak foreign - stopped me in my tracks. The precision and delicacy made me think of old, pre battery and quartz crystal watches. They had a mechanism made by a craftsman and Colleen here proves a mistress of her craft. Likewise, "Past the Long Black Island" leaves plenty of space to allow your mind to wander amongst the instruments. You can admire the music, stroll around it and let it massage your soul. Colleen's music does not force itself upon you. It, without any apparent effort, entrances you.

So there you have it. "Les Ondes Silencieuses" is an album of tranquil beauty. Performed with style, you simply get drawn into the music. And that, my friends, is how it should be. It's also available on CD for the digital heathens amongst you. The LP was right - I have begun to treasure this album.
Review Date: November 8 2008