Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Carol for the Lonely by Sofia Talvik

Carol for the Lonely cover art

Artist: Sofia Talvik
Title: Carol for the Lonely
Catalogue Number: Makaki Music
Review Format: MP3
Release Year: 2008

As is her custom, Sofia Talvik has released a Christmas single as a free download. This year the song is called "Carol for the Lonely".

Sofia Talvik's music always bears close inspection. Her lyrics start off seeming pretty straightforward then they get deep. In fact, they get deep fast. Although nominally dedicated to the plight of the homeless living on our streets during the cold winter months, Ms Talvik rapidly extends the scope of the song to include those who have also become isolated within society, the indifference we have to the suffering of others less fortunate (… walking past with artificial smiles) and the hypocrisy of giving only at this time of year.

I've said it before but Sofia Talvik is something special. She uses her sweet voice and intuitive sense of melody to disguise a remarkably perceptive outlook on life. So, if you want Santa and sleigh bells then go elsewhere. If you prefer reality then this touching song is for you.

Available for free download from her website.
Review Date: December 3 2008