The economy is in the toilet. Your ears are subjected to a never ending parade of shoegazers and karaoke queens. Things are so bad that even Prozac can't make the future seem bright. So we've established the need for something to lift your spirits and, indeed, to lift the spirits of the entire country. Something like Celebrity Chimp and their five track debut EP "Celebrity is the New Royalty EP".
Damn, I nearly dropped my drink when this manic band blasted their way out of the speakers. Do you remember those class Britpop bands like Blur and Pulp? Not old enough? Shame, as those truly were the days. Celebrity Chimp have taken that page out of the history books and are clearly out to have fun. Starting with "Porn Star" - a darkly comic morality tale - an intoxicating mix of punk, folk and Britpop just takes you over and encourages you to drink beer and party. Urban paranoia takes over in "Murderer" but that's two songs in and porn and murder have been on the agenda and I'm still smiling. The false god of celebrity gets it too in "Not a Man". There's a line in that song - "… I'm a star because I drink my lager on the rocks" that causes a mighty chuckle here at Bluesbunny Towers. Nearly split my drink again!
As the doctor might say, these five banjo powered beauties are to be taken as required. In fact, I think I shall be requiring them again very soon.
Available for download from CD Baby.