Song reviews

  Cockroach by Venice Bliss

Cockroach cover art


Venice Bliss keep it muscular all the way through their song “Cockroach” with strident guitars accompanying some convincing harmonies and somewhat angry lyrics on their journey to become tomorrow’s indie rock gods. Sing it loud!

  Killed You in A Dream by I’MMORTAL

Killed You in A Dream cover art


With a title like that, “Killed You in A Dream” was never likely to be a pretty pop song but there is much to admire in tempo shifting quirkiness and value added theatricality that I’MMORTAL sequences into her song. She’s slightly dangerous.

  Stand By Me by Moving Into Tucson

Stand By Me cover art


It must be summer as “Stand By Me” is a summer song. Upbeat and full of harmonies and get you going guitars, this one shows that Moving Into Tucson are the kind of band that should be on your playlist when you are driving down the open highway.

  Parallel Dreams by Amazing Space

Parallel Dreams cover art


Americana from Norway? It would seem so and Amazing Space duly cruise “Parallel Dreams” along the sunshine inspired folk rock highway on their way to the chorus with a roots festival appearance on the horizon.

  Dead by Kat Von D

Dead cover art


With her sequencer set firmly on retro, Kat Von D throws some infatuation into the lyrics of “Dead” and loops herself through love and angst in less than three minutes and more than enough mascara powered style.

Review date:

  Melt by Menajerie

Melt cover art


Menajerie win this week’s award for coolest song with “Melt”. Female voices with sinuous symmetry evoke memories of the heyday of jazz funk while the song heads straight for the cocktail bar in a Cadillac. Thumbs up!

Review date:

  Feel The Joy by Eric Devine

Feel The Joy cover art


Old school is the way to go for Eric Devine with “Feel The Joy” sounding like it came from an eighties gospel album. It’s a mellow song that doesn’t really go anywhere but is always going in the right direction.

  Your Lies by Dead Cool

Your Lies cover art

Retro cool

If you happen to be looking for a dish of brooding, looped to the max synth pop bleakness with a side order of spiritual nihilism then look no further than “Your Lies” by Dead Cool. It’s retro relentless and that’s a fact.

  Never Good Enough by Demi McMahon

Never Good Enough cover art


With the beats of the backing track looping like a distinctly laconic escapee from the dancefloor. “Never Good Enough” makes the most of mid paced repetition. Demi McMahon’s sweet vocals make the most of the limited lyrics.

  Until I See You Again by Hazel Gaze

Until I See You Again cover art


Kind of getting a late sixties vibe from this one with Hazel Gaze laying it on like it should be with a little help from their friends. “Until I See You Again” is a solid roll it down the highway song and that works well for me.

Review date:

  If Your Arms Are Empty by Third Cut

If Your Arms Are Empty cover art


Pop songs. Where are all the pop songs? Well, here’s one with “If Your Arms Are Empty” by Third Cut spinning round – at a virtual 45rpm – all the way to the chorus. If this is not the sub three minute song for the summer I don’t know what is.

  Wicked Way by Dali Van Gogh

Wicked Way cover art


Heading straight down the centre line of the hard rock highway are Dali Van Gogh and their song “Wicked Way” has enough octane to keep them going all night long. Naturally, there is a guitar solo. A song like this needs a guitar solo.

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