Song reviews

  Hands by Valentina

Hands cover art


I recognise style when I hear it and Valentina has style. Hers is a bleak, introspective and distinctly downbeat style but style it is and “Hands” utilises a piano figure and hypnotic tempo changes to make me wish I was one of the cool kids.

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  When Did I Get Old by Adam Whitehead

When Did I Get Old cover art


When Did I Get Old? I can’t remember but Adam Whitehead ponders on that very subject in his song with the lyrics being distinctly decent and infused with blue collar sentimentality. Add in the Nashville style polish and country radio airplay beckons.

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  Hundred Or More by Leyya

Hundred Or More cover art


I can’t actually remember why I thought Leyya were another indie pop duo but “Hundred Or More” instead seems to be powered by some rather muscular sequencers with those female vocals being processed into exquisite oblivion.

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  Golden by NATI

Golden cover art


“Golden” is a song is so unashamedly commercial that it practically forces you to sing along whilst waving your iPhone in the air with NATI belting out her song like the trouper she is meant to be. A true summer song.

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  Between The World by Trelldom

Between The World cover art


Not being a fan of Norwegian black metal, I didn’t expect to find “Between The World” by Trelldom as rewarding as I did. This is a big song full of a brooding yet elegant mix of melancholy and menace that simply surrounds you.

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  Happy Thoughts by Natty Maxwell

Happy Thoughts cover art


You don’t get many songs that sound positive these days but “Happy Thoughts” by Natty Maxwell is one such song with the nineties urban soul influences that are clearly present in her sound making it all so easy on the ear.

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  Frank’s Zone by Koko-Jean & The Tonics

Frank’s Zone cover art


Soul meets funk in the retro melting pot that was used to cook “Frank’s Zone” by Koko-Jean & The Tonics and the resulting musical stew will satisfy the appetite of those who like the sounds of simpler, and better, times. Fingersnapping good.

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  Misty Morning by Red Sky July

Misty Morning cover art


There’s a bit of the old retro folk rock jingle jangle to “Misty Morning” by Red Sky July and the delicate female vocals decorate the lyrics with the expected, and rather endearing, amount of sunshine harmonies. I’m feeling good now.

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  Overwhelming by Raven Numan

Overwhelming cover art


The sequencers are in overdrive in this one with the looped synths reinforcing the oppressive atmosphere. Raven Numan’s words follow a similar locked to an introspective loop pattern and “Overwhelming” is duly dressed in bleak black.

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  Wild Card by Whiskey Jack

Wild Card cover art


“Wild Card” plays out like a low key folk song transplanted from the altogether more laidback seventies with Whiskey Jack keeping his words both sentimental and just this side of laconic. There’s even some whistling thrown in.

  I Feel Feelings by Sugar Bones

I Feel Feelings cover art


There’s definitely some soul in those Sugar Bones and “I Feel Feelings” rolls like that seventies urban sound had never fallen out of fashion. Corrin Cruz keeps the song telling it like it is using just enough heart and emotion to convince.

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  Icarus by Jules Ahoi

Icarus cover art


Rather understated and heavily looped, Jules Ahoi dives deep into the reverb with “Icarus” yet still manages to keep his song afloat for over four minutes. Whilst not esoteric, he isn’t quite on the straight and narrow either.

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