Song reviews

  Sleep Spindles by Lëura

Sleep Spindles cover art

Ain't no sunshine

A mean and moody take on the cascading indie guitar sound lifts “Sleep Spindles” skywards and Lëura – she is Australian, by the way – emotes like she has absorbed all of the world’s post punk angst. If you like to look deep down inside then this song will work for you.

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  Fake It All by Satellite Empire

Fake It All cover art

Indie miss

Despite the sterling vocal efforts of Liv Armon, she fails to inject life into “Fake It All” making the song just another slice of uninspired, and unskilled, indie rock cake. You’ve heard it all before and no doubt you will hear it all again so, basically, the Ms Armon needs a new band who have some imagination and she might get somewhere.

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  Dance, Dance, Dance by Christian & The 2120's

Dance, Dance, Dance cover art


Too contrived, repetitive and plastic to actually convince, “Dance, Dance, Dance” goes nowhere fast for Christian & The 2120's which is a bit of a disappointment really but, then again, I suppose it is unreasonable to expect every band from Sweden to be good

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  Chwyldro by Gwenno

Chwyldro cover art

Welsh hypnotist

“Chwyldro” is another hypnotic release from Gwenno as she takes the Welsh language and makes it all fluffy over the foundation of a solidly sequenced hybrid of urban alienation and low end dance floors. That said, the song does makes more sense on headphones than reverberating around the room suggesting intimacy was the aim rather than post midnight domination and if Gwenno were French rather than Welsh then she would surely be one of their national treasures by now

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  Bastards and Born Again by Static Brains

Bastards and Born Again cover art

Finnish rockers

It would appear that Static Brains are a young hard rock band from Finland although their youth is not apparent in the beer drinking rifftastic roughness that propels “Bastards and Born Again” along like a runaway train. An honest band that knows how to keep out the cold methinks.

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  Outta Here by New Renegades

Outta Here cover art

Dutch rock

I like this one. “Outta Here” is a solid old style rock song with Ruben Seyferth doing the Steve Perry style vocals in a resoundingly convincing manner while the rest of the band demonstrate their musical skills by providing both rhythm and melody. New Renegades – they’re from Amsterdam by the way – are a Friday night beer drinking band and that’s a fact.

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  Translucent by Lu Flur

Translucent cover art

South African ambience

Oddly atmospheric escapees from the arthouse, Lu Flur concoct a recipe made of female vocals, indignation and an electro acoustic harp and call it “Translucent”. Why not I say for this a deep dive through the light into the dark. Obsession has a new home.

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  Tokyo Daisuki by Das Fluff

Tokyo Daisuki cover art

Garage electro

It’s electro retro time again as Das Fluff take to the basement for a rough and ready take on the dance floor mayhem of post death disco New York and excessive mascara. I feel a strobe light coming on and the cat is wearing a hat for “Tokyo Daisuki“ is warp factor 6 Mr Sulu and set course for the nearest black hole.

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  Ready Set Go by The Vinyl Records

Ready Set Go cover art

Indian post punk

OK so this one appeared out of nowhere but it is hard to deny the rather ironic appeal of this all girl post punk band from India. The song – “Ready Set Go” – is minimum chords and maximum attitude but that surely is the point and you can actually sing along with it. Now that’s a very good thing indeed.

  What would Joey Ramone Do? by The Creeping Ivies

What would Joey Ramone Do? cover art

Glasgow garage

It’s a primitive thing without a doubt as Scotland’s The Creeping Ivies go sub three minute CBGB punk in the cosy suburban surrounds of their own garage with an actual girl overpowering the distortion with her voice. “What would Joey Ramone Do?” poses a valid question and the answer is that he would buy the damn single. Nuff said.

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  Blue angel by Luna Green

Blue angel cover art

Dark green

Equal part melancholy and enigma, Sweden’s Luna Green throws a bleak lyrical sophistication into the folk song mix with "Blue Angel" that turns the song right around and points it at the city and the municipal graveyard. The long lost granddaughter of Leonard Cohen? Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

  Black Smoke by Strange Acres

Black Smoke cover art

Deeper and darker

“Black Smoke” hides the hypnotic voice of Molly Grace in an endless tunnel of reverb and dislocation with the rest of the band plodding along grimly but purposefully in her footsteps. It’s a deep dark song that punches above its expected weight and, consequently, would make a great soundtrack to the eternal rain that seeks to wash our souls clean of sin.

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