Song reviews

  Red Card by Long Long Showers

Red Card cover art

Swedish indie rock

Long Long Showers come from Sweden but sound like they come from a big American city such is the authenticity of their, no doubt affectionate, pastiche of that indie rock with melody sound. “Red Card” is therefore nicely done but hardly original.

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  Panic Button by Hercules Mandarin

Panic Button cover art

Glasgow smarts

Taking another step down the yellow brick road to success, Glasgow’s own Hercules Mandarin add a dry and laconic sugar coating to their rock with hints of white boy funk sound. Clearly smarter than the average band, “Panic Button” once again proves that Hercules Mandarin are worthy of your investigation.

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  I'd Rather Have a Love by Joe

I'd Rather Have a Love cover art

Soul man

Old style r’n’b from the ultra smooth Joe who evokes the likes of Billy Paul and Oran ‘Juice’ Jones as walks the walk of romance throughout “I’d Rather Have A Love”. This seasoned soul man is telling it like it is and that’s the truth.

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  The Starting Gun by Candythief

The Starting Gun cover art

Edinburgh candy

Clearly a mature and confident band, Candythief provide more than enough evidence in “The Starting Gun” to convince these ears that melody and complexity can be successfully mixed in a Scottish band. The endearingly affected female vocals have mainstream appeal and there is a pleasingly retro turn of musical phrasing to accompany the smarter than most lyrics. The end result, perhaps unsurprisingly, is therefore eminently aurally pleasing.

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  I Have Supernatural Powers by Standing Ovation

I Have Supernatural Powers cover art

Finland rocks

Oddly theatrical (but in a good way), this frenetic mix of metal and electro might just make Finnish band Standing Ovation stand out from the crowd. “I Have Supernatural Powers” is the name of the song and it certainly isn’t ordinary even if the more cynical amongst you might suspect it of actually being a pastiche.

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  Little Bit Of Nothing by Kiya Lacey

Little Bit Of Nothing cover art

New in town

Old style – and I do mean style – song from Kiya Lacey as she delivers “Little Bit Of Nothing” like a seasoned professional from days gone by with the ultra slick backing band building the wall that keeps this young singer on the straight and narrow. Easy on the ear, as they say.

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  Elbows and Eyesockets by Welch & Penn

Elbows and Eyesockets cover art

Uptown duo

It is perhaps unfair to call “Elbows and Eyesockets” coffee shop friendly but it does have that uptown big city vibe to it and Welch and Penn walk and talk – it would be way too harsh to call the vocal interjections a rap – their way down the street to the subway leading to confusion. There’s a very American pop punk sensibility underpinning the song however so they might yet have a practical use for their sunglasses.

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  Want Some by Chancellorpink

Want Some cover art

Left outside

“Want Some” reminds me of the Talking Heads and Chancellorpink – a one man and his instrument band it would seem – walks down the same street as the aforementioned band to the arthouse. An OK song but one that would have benefitted from a proper chorus.

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  Surrender My Soul by Marie Lala

Surrender My Soul cover art

Class in a bottle

When you think of classy pop confections then you think of Marie Lala or I do at least. “Surrender My Soul” once again provides the proof of Ms Lala’s polished and soulful poise with just enough ennui to suggest quirkiness and, dare I say it, a sense of humour.

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  Key Biscayne by Chronic City

Key Biscayne cover art

Wistful duo

Austrian duo, although you’d never know it from the very American indie pop sound that infuses “Key Biscayne”,  Chronic City manage to stay this side of twee (but only just) as they go all wistful over those well practised laptop loops.

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  Catalytic Conversion by Crownlarks

Catalytic Conversion cover art

Psych up the grunge

OK, it’s a grunged up bit of psych flavoured wandering musical indulgence but “Catalytic Conversion” convinces more than most in the all important area of musical competence. Given the right drugs this might just work for you.

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  I'm Not Alone by Riddley Walker

I'm Not Alone cover art

A man alone

“And I’m Not Alone” is a vaguely ambient example of a man and his sensitivity with Riddley Walker spinning out a limited lyric out – a chant really – for the best part of five minutes. The song is best compared with George Harrison in his solo hippie days and would therefore benefit from an attack of the digital razor blade. Less is often more when it comes to music.

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