Song reviews

  Elbows and Eyesockets by Welch & Penn

Elbows and Eyesockets cover art

Uptown duo

It is perhaps unfair to call “Elbows and Eyesockets” coffee shop friendly but it does have that uptown big city vibe to it and Welch and Penn walk and talk – it would be way too harsh to call the vocal interjections a rap – their way down the street to the subway leading to confusion. There’s a very American pop punk sensibility underpinning the song however so they might yet have a practical use for their sunglasses.

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  Want Some by Chancellorpink

Want Some cover art

Left outside

“Want Some” reminds me of the Talking Heads and Chancellorpink – a one man and his instrument band it would seem – walks down the same street as the aforementioned band to the arthouse. An OK song but one that would have benefitted from a proper chorus.

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  Surrender My Soul by Marie Lala

Surrender My Soul cover art

Class in a bottle

When you think of classy pop confections then you think of Marie Lala or I do at least. “Surrender My Soul” once again provides the proof of Ms Lala’s polished and soulful poise with just enough ennui to suggest quirkiness and, dare I say it, a sense of humour.

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  Key Biscayne by Chronic City

Key Biscayne cover art

Wistful duo

Austrian duo, although you’d never know it from the very American indie pop sound that infuses “Key Biscayne”,  Chronic City manage to stay this side of twee (but only just) as they go all wistful over those well practised laptop loops.

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  Catalytic Conversion by Crownlarks

Catalytic Conversion cover art

Psych up the grunge

OK, it’s a grunged up bit of psych flavoured wandering musical indulgence but “Catalytic Conversion” convinces more than most in the all important area of musical competence. Given the right drugs this might just work for you.

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  I'm Not Alone by Riddley Walker

I'm Not Alone cover art

A man alone

“And I’m Not Alone” is a vaguely ambient example of a man and his sensitivity with Riddley Walker spinning out a limited lyric out – a chant really – for the best part of five minutes. The song is best compared with George Harrison in his solo hippie days and would therefore benefit from an attack of the digital razor blade. Less is often more when it comes to music.

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  Dissident by The Tranq

Dissident cover art

Swedish indie

Determined to walk once more the path of deeply meaningful eighties style retro, The Tranq head for your conscience with “Dissident”. Insistent repetition gets the point across but the rather unexciting male vocals fail to deliver the passion such a song needs.

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  Die großen Scheine by Rau

Die großen Scheine cover art

Direct injection

"Die großen Scheine“ is a somewhat rigid take on that American power pop meets indie rock sound so beloved of American bands of the nineties by German band Rau. Rau, perhaps unsurprisingly, do a thoroughly competent job with this song.

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  What If by Lorraine & The Borderlands

What If cover art

Edinburgh princess

Typically lilting and endearing, the ever adorable Lorraine McCauley and her stalwart colleagues The Borderlands set out to charm with their folk flavoured “What If”. Wistful when done right – as here – is simply wonderful.

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  A song by The Slytest

A song cover art

Swedish popups

It would seem that Sweden does more than electro pop with The Slytest rocking it out like a cross between Deacon Blue and S Club 7. It’s that classic power pop sound in other words so welcome it with open arms (and ears).

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  Danger Love by Top Less

Danger Love cover art

Deep pop

Middle of the road, mid paced and moody plastic pop from Top Less, “Danger Love” is rather less interesting than the band’s name might suggest. Nice vocals just about keep the interest going but you would have had to have been kept in a cupboard for the last twenty years not to have heard this kind of thing before. However, a brutal remix may let the song find friends on the dance floors of Europe.

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  They Meet on the Subway by Matthew Collings

They Meet on the Subway cover art


Matthew Collings seems to have confused repetition with construction in his unimaginative urban – it would be inappropriate to call this a song - soundscape “They Meet On The Subway”. Nothing much happens and you will have pressed the stop button long before the song’s end.  Simply tedious.

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