Song reviews

  Secret Animal by The Girobabies

Secret Animal cover art

In your face

Two minutes and change and the Girobabies have – once again – headbutted their intended audience with post punk attitude, alienation and a studious approach to regenerating the Scottish indie guitar sound. “Secret Animal”, as you will have gathered by now, hits the mark and that’s for sure.

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  Top of the World by Saturn

Top of the World cover art

Dance director

Distinctly retro in its rigidly sequenced approach, “Top of the World” shows Saturn to be targeted , perhaps unsurprisingly, right at planet dance floor.  There is some dry humour to be found amongst the four on the floor plastic beats however so the song does actually have a sort of perverse appeal.

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  Never Gonna Change by Leading Edge

Never Gonna Change cover art

Swedish radio stars

It would appear that there is more to Swedish music than bouncy electro pop with Leading Edge sounding positively American for the duration of “Never Gonna Change”. The big brash vocals of Anna Johannisson dominate the song but that’s no bad thing really.

  Back to my Youth by Billy Cullum

Back to my Youth cover art

Another one

“Back To My Youth” is written, produced, mixed and mastered by Billy Cullum, it says here. Unsurprisingly therefore, the song is dull, derivative and reeks of self-indulgence. Mr Cullum really must learn to play with others.

  Girls like Disco Boys like Bass by The Young Punx

Girls like Disco Boys like Bass cover art

Dancing round

Ah, the eternal philosophical question of what drives the boys and girls out on to the dance floor gets addressed by London’s The Young Pinx. “Girls Like Disco Boys Like Bass” is pretty much incessant electro with just enough samples to make it catchy (or maybe just plain annoying if you aren’t out of your face on something). Summer must be coming after all so turn on the boogie lights!

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  A song by Caracol

A song cover art

Sweetness and light

Light and fluffy pop with that girl on the edge of adversity feel from the delightfully named Caracol. She would appear to be Canadian but she sounds like she has absorbed high end European pop influences with her sugar sweet voice floating over the hypnotically looped backing track.

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  Lover's cave by Is Tropical

Lover's cave cover art

Indie up

You can’t really argue about the appeal of a bit of boisterous indie pop like “Lover’s Cave” by these purveyors of post punk diversity Is Tropical. They even have the courage to take the diversion down the noisy guitar route just to make sure you don’t forget this one when you hear it in the middle of a field. Bonus points will be awarded to those who can identify where the guitar riff was borrowed from.

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  Now by Sonya Titus

Now cover art

Pop princess

Endearing if a touch mundane in that Cheryl Cole kind of way, Sonya Titus shows off her commercial moves with “Now”. It’s a proper pop song and any song that you can sing along with is just fine with me. It’s a sunshine kind of thing.

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  Start Again by No Fxd Abode

Start Again cover art

Lively indie

Drawing on classic Scottish guitar pop for inspiration, No Fxd Abode neatly sidestep the limitations of the indie rock genre and then add their own swaggering determination to “Start Again”. It’s the sort of song that will soon be spinning round at 45rpm in your head.

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  Pedestal by Wolf Like Child

Pedestal cover art


A rough sounding and sometimes awkward demo but “Pedestal” nonetheless shows that Brighton based band Wolf Like Child are capable of evoking that past midnight atmosphere. Edgy lyrics and laconic female vocals seal the deal.

  Tell It To The World by Jaha

Tell It To The World cover art


“Tell It To The World” is a relentlessly upbeat inspirational song from Texan singer Jaha. She’s all very Glee in her approach but even the made from plastic backing track can’t distract from the two important facts – Jaha can sing and her heart is 100% in the right place.

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  Lost by Tom Dibb

Lost cover art

Singer songwriter

Here we go again. It’s not as if there is a shortage of such things but Tom Dibb quickly adds himself to that long line of singer songwriters with both a limited vocal range and a limited grasp of what it takes to write a good lyric. A determined attempt has been made to make “Lost” interesting by adding a suitably mournful string arrangement but the song just does not justify such efforts. Dull.

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