Song reviews

  Rise and Shine by Pelos

Rise and Shine cover art


No problems with this song. Pelos takes the melodic and melancholic as inspirational energy and that keeps his song “Rise and Shine” rolling like it was bathed in the light of the setting sun of the seventies. Maturity wins again.

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  Never by Denzeity

Never cover art


Unexpectedly boisterous for a song of these days, “Never” solidly rocks out to the tune of a positively manic guitar and Denzeity’s taking it to the bridge vocal. Like I said, really not of this time and all the better for that.

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  Cold Star by Outblinker

Cold Star cover art


Outblinker have been in the time machine again and have returned this time with a mid-eighties psychedelia meets the dance floor song that must surely inspire juvenile delinquency even in these desensitised days. Aortarota adds her voice to the "Cold Star" trip.

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  Rolling Stone by Kelsey Montanez

Rolling Stone cover art


In something akin to a stylistic throwback to the days of seventies rock, Kelsey Montanez struts her stuff like a lady on the guitar powered train and “Rolling Stone” does indeed roll like it is always on the right track. A bourbon for breakfast song.

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  Simply Be by Debora Rusch

Simply Be cover art


Rusch simply exudes class with her song “Simply Be” pulling all the best bits from mainstream eighties soul music and mixing them in with a dash of supper club jazz. Elegantly performed and easy on the ear.

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  Hunters of Hope by Miss Chain & The Broken Heels

Hunters of Hope cover art


Entertainingly upbeat, Miss Chain & The Broken Heels could start a montage on any decent television series with their song “Hunters of Hope” easily demonstrating that their energetic pop punk moves could easily cause an attack of rapidly intercut visuals.

  Haunted by Georgia Reed

Haunted cover art


If, in the good old US of A, there is still such a thing as FM radio then Georgia Reed would have no problem getting her song “Haunted” on to a playlist. The song is polished and professionally put together so don’t touch that dial.

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  Rodeo by Chiara Berardelli

Rodeo cover art


“Rodeo” is one of those elegantly performed songs that exudes musical maturity and that is exactly what might be expected of Glasgow’s very own Chiara Berardelli. There’s plenty of melancholy in there too yet that second listen doesn’t hurt at all.

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  Reject by Alice Faye

Reject cover art


It’s all about the song, or so they say, and “Reject” is indeed a song with the mix of slick arrangement and mature lyrics highlighting the fact that Alice Faye shows all the signs of being able to nail it down just like Carole King did back in the day. Classy.

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  Howling at the Moon by Ben Hemming

Howling at the Moon cover art


You can’t go far wrong with a bit of old school redemption rock and Ben Hemming duly follows the path to sonic righteousness with guitars and power chords keeping his suitably world weary voice company on the journey.

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  A Military Base by Rettward von Doernberg

A Military Base cover art


Playing out like an extended soundtrack cue on a mission to find ambient nirvana, “A Military Base” appears to go with the flow yet the neatly positioned historical soundbites on mass extermination provide an unexpected counterpoint. Serious and smooth.

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  Home Is Where You Are by Natalie Gray

Home Is Where You Are cover art


An earnest mid paced song, “Home Is Where You Are” plays out with more honesty than is usually required by the taste makers on the radio with Natalie Gray’s voice lifting the song up and over the rather routine backing track.

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