Song reviews

  North by Movement

North cover art

Birmingham bedsit electronica

Minimalist electronic doodlings from what appears to be a one man and a laptop band from Birmingham, “North” sounds like a low budget Vangelis style soundtrack cue for the kind of movie that only ever got released on VHS and is none the worse for being that.

  The Coldest Corner by The Skunnered

The Coldest Corner cover art

Mellow and Misty Scots

Full of mellow grooviness and seasoned with a tablespoonful of reverb, “The Coldest Corner” sounds like it has been pulled out a late sixties movie soundtrack and I reckon you will probably have to be of a certain age (or beyond) to fully appreciate this song. One to enjoy with a nice cup of tea methinks.

  Cruise Elroy by Slow Buildings

Cruise Elroy cover art

Indie New Jersey Style

“Cruise Elroy” has an endearing, half way through a journey to retro radio friendliness, simplicity like, say, a cut back Weezer.  It is a demo so the songs suffers from a flat mix and it does drag on past its sell by date somewhat but if they polish it up then it should do just fine.

Review date:

  Se Foss Per Me by Elisa Luu

Se Foss Per Me cover art

Italian ambient electronica

A rare occasion when a woman’s touch makes no perceptible difference at all, Elisa Luu’s “Se fosse per me” sounds like any other bit of sequenced serendipity determined to wander the airwaves without direction. Bedsit electronica, I know thy name!

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  Seventeen by Call The Doctor

Seventeen cover art

Female fronted indie rockers

I was just thinking that there must be some way to make the incredibly unadventurous indie rock genre more interesting and along comes Bristol band Call The Doctor. “Seventeen” would have been a dull thing indeed if it were not for the dramatic yet poised vocals of Patti Aberhart. Yes, add a girl with some undeniable style and indie rock gets interesting. Who would have figured that? Apart from me that is.

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  Revolution Road by JJ Quinlan

Revolution Road cover art

Displaced Irishman

Not much to go on here apart from the info that JJ Quinlan is an Irishman now settled in Israel. Possibly the fun packed political situation in that part of the world inspired the earnest sentiments of “Revolution Road” if not its straight down the road eighties rock feel. Nice, fluid guitar work though that reminded me a bit of JJ Gilmour.

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  Leave It Til Tomorrow by The Plastic Pals

Leave It Til Tomorrow cover art

Swedes lost in America

Had to listen to this one twice (which actually wasn’t too much of a hardship). “Leave It ‘Til Tomorrow” seems to be the work of a modern day Swedish band but sounds more like it had fallen off an album by an American seventies soft rock band like The Doobie Brothers. I suspect that you may have to be of a certain age or greater to get this type of music but it is nicely done here.

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  Uniform by Endless Loop

Uniform cover art

Oregon electro rockers

Retro time again with heavily sequenced eighties electro rock getting resurrected by Portland band Endless Loop. “Uniform” works out pretty well for them with appealing girl (Samantha Hughes) boy (Jeff Knight) voices emoting suitably bleak and disaffected words.  The past might well be their future.

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  La Processione by Muffx

La Processione cover art

Italian indie rockers

Italians just have more style. It’s a simple fact and “La Processione” provides ample proof of that. It is nothing more than indie rock but nonetheless swaggers mercilessly under the weight of its inherent refrigerator coolness with Luigi Bruno’s vocals talking the talk while the rest of the band walk the walk. Almost as good as a Fiat Dino Coupé.

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  Hellbent by Who's Edna

Hellbent cover art

Five rocky poppers

Though they appear to hail from Edinburgh, Who’s Edna sound more than a bit mainstream American reminding me here of bands like The Hush Sound.  “Hellbent” uses a piano to good effect to lift this mid paced rock song out of the mire of mediocrity and there is endearing normality – for want of a better word – to the female vocals.

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  The Human Connection by Sonic Templars

The Human Connection cover art

Rock band with a heart

In its favour, “The Human Connection” is a decent song and the lead vocal is convincing. That said, and this is a common failing in Scottish rock bands, Sonic Templars then trip themselves up with an unimaginative guitar player – I’d go so far as to say that he (?) sounds (badly) looped – and a lack of individuality to their sound.  They need to try harder, basically.

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  Elm Row by Ded Rabbit

Elm Row cover art

Edinburgh indie funkers

Despite being a band of actual brothers, Ded Rabbit don’t really seem to gel. That said, “Elm Row” has an endearingly funky feel to it and “We Could Be Free” is (indie) rockier but similarly good natured. The bigger problem, however, is the singer who struggles badly with the key he is trying to sing in on both these songs.

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