Song reviews

  Acoustic Sunshine Girl by LCF

Acoustic Sunshine Girl cover art

Masquerading as many

Seems like there is but one name behind LCF and that is Luke Frazier. An American it would seem, he follows the path of the sensitive singer songwriter on both "Acoustic Sunshine Girl" and "Zodiac Eyes" with the latter capturing that psychedelic pop vibe quite nicely if somewhat crudely.

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  4 in the Morning by Tobias

4 in the Morning cover art

Mainstream rock

Another addition to the legion of rock bands hailing from the Glasgow area, Tobias deliver what you might expect. "4 In The Morning", for example, draws inspiration from Oasis as so many do. "Second Chance" raises the bar and should find favour with those you who still worship at the altar of seventies melodic rock.

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  A Way to pass the time by Flight of Arrows

A Way to pass the time cover art

Catchy Indie Northeners

"A Way To Pass The Time" turns out to be a wry, upbeat and surprisingly commercial slice of indie rock that sounds like it was played by musicians rather than the usual pretty boys who like to go loud. Although I am obviously too cool to actually do such a thing, I very nearly started singing along to this song and that's got to be a good omen for this band.

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  Weariness by Sergey Rybytskyy

Weariness cover art

Ukrainian loungecore

I have always been curious as to what happens musically in other countries. So my curiosity was duly sated with "Weariness" from Sergey Rybytskyy who hails from the Ukraine. Not so much instrumental progressive rock as an entertainingly sleazy impersonation of Rick Wakeman doing loungecore on the cheap, this song works better than you might have imagined from my description.

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  Kill the Silence by Cairo

Kill the Silence cover art

West Lothian Indie Rockers

Both "Friday's Tragedy" and "Kill The Silence" are promising songs from Cairo with, unusually for indie rockers, no attempt to substitute volume for musical skill. However, the lyrics to these songs are a bit too simplistic and repetitive for them to be taken seriously as a maturing band. On the right track though but they definitely need to work at it a bit more if they want to stand out.

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  First One off the Waltzer by The So and Sos

First One off the Waltzer cover art

Cleethorpes bombardiers

Whilst nearly tripping over its Britpop influences, "First One Off The Waltzer" demonstrates more than revivalist tendencies. The lyrics could have come from Morrissey's pen but Richard Dutton's much more robust singing style gives the necessary swagger and substance to hold your attention. Bonus points for referencing Cleethorpes too. I don't imagine that is a common occurrence in song writing.

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  The Dogmatist by Part Time Martyrs

The Dogmatist cover art

Glasgow pragmatists

Interesting. The blurb claims post dubbed drums but they fit the song well. However, it is the words on "The Dogmatist" that make the difference here blessed as they are with the kind of graceless grumpiness that made Aidan Moffat's name.  That pretty much marks out Part Time Martyrs as the new urban poets on the block and there is always room for one more of those on top.

  Feel the temperature rising by Stuart Newman

Feel the temperature rising cover art

Anguish personified

I suspect that Stuart Newman's voice will be something of an acquired taste. There's a bit of britfolk and a bit of post punk in his approach to performance – which is commendable – but both "Feel The Temperature Rising" and "Head Hurts" just plain irritate. In fact, all these songs did was to make me wonder how much Tiny Tim records go for on Ebay these days.

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  Angela by Craig White

Angela cover art

Glasgow guitar boy number 2835

He's got an acoustic guitar, he's sensitive and he knows it and, surprise, he wants you to know it too. With little regard for originality or passion, Craig White lights a caramel flavoured candle and attempts to fan the flames of love with "Angela" (or perhaps for an Angela?). A similarly weak vocal performance also afflicts "Demons and Fireflies" although it was sinking under the weight of its own insignificance anyway. Must try harder. A lot harder.

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  Last Train by Alex Haynes

Last Train cover art

Skewed blues

Out of the smoke, better known as London, comes Alex Haynes and he's got the blues in his soul and no desire to make it easy for you. Sure, there is an elemental simplicity to both "Shake 'Em On Down" and "Last Train" but there is no musical laziness either and that cigarettes and whiskey atmosphere is neatly and effectively invoked. He might well be following a path previously trodden by the mighty but he does so with undeniable authority.

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  The Fiddle by Shifty Sarah

The Fiddle cover art

Toypop terrorist

It's all out there if you look for it or maybe it will just hunt you down. Toypop is a new genre to me but Shifty Sarah seems to be Princess Number One in it with "The Fiddle" being a somewhat skewed take on nursery rhymes implemented via clever and cute lo-fi loops. I tried to hate this – really, I did – but got overcome by the incessant catchiness and the wheelbarrow of charm hidden amongst the chords. Grumpy reviewer therefore admits defeat and gives this one the thumbs up.

  Dancing in the Rain by Half Deaf Clatch

Dancing in the Rain cover art

Acoustic blues soldier

You can't go far wrong with one man and a resonator guitar in my book and Half Deaf Clatch – I probably should look up what a clatch actually is in case it is something (ahem) dirty – steers a steady course here. Both "Dancing In The Rain" and "Hammer Down Blues" are earnest and respectful, even reverential to the format and will not disappoint fans of such things. As Jimi Hendrix once said " Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel". Half Deaf Clatch, who is probably called Nigel or Jeffrey in real life, clearly feels it.

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