Song reviews

  Miniature Oceans by Xan Tyler

Miniature Oceans cover art


I keep thinking that I’ve heard Xan Tyler before – and I most likely have – with “Miniature Oceans” having the kind of appeal that gets radio appeal on the big radio stations. She sure sounds sweet and that’s a fact.

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  Down To You by Brontës

Down To You cover art


Some more bouncy indie pop with dancefloor seasoning from Brontës with flighty female vocals once again sharing the spotlight with a solid bass groove. Toe tapping and melodic? That’s “Down to You” and you’d better believe it.

  It’s Fine by Bethany Cosentino

It’s Fine cover art


No idea where Bethany Cosentino is originally from but, if I were to hazard a guess, she’s in Nashville now with her song “It’s Fine” echoing both the blue collar sentiments and a stand tall message on its way to the bridge. It’s the way of today.

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  Dreaming of Yesterday by Tiger Moths

Dreaming of Yesterday cover art


Following the perennially fashionable Americana road on their way to success, The Tiger Moths turn their song “Dreaming of Yesterday” into a singalong suitable for the festival circuit whilst still leaving in some endearing rough edges and right angled turns.

  As The Moon by Laura Brizuela

As The Moon cover art


Fashionably synthetic, Laura Brizuela makes all the right moves from the playbook that gets airplay on commercial radio stations these days. “As The Moon” isn’t a song to shock or surprise but it might well make your journey home a bit nicer.

  Time Will Tell by Riiver Brukes

Time Will Tell cover art


There is a decent amount drama to be found within the sub 3 minute duration of “Time Will Tell” and Riiver Brukes demonstrates both her confidence and her reverence for rock conventions like a guitar solo. I like guitar solos.

  Sail Away With Me by Caragh

Sail Away With Me cover art


Sweetly sentimental in approach, Caragh also demonstrates that she has more than enough poetic poise to power her song “Sail Away With Me” on the short journey from your speakers to your ears. Satisfying in a summer smoothie kind of way.

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  How Would You Handle This? by George Katsos

How Would You Handle This? cover art


You can’t really argue with a man’s choice to use sixties’ pop influences and George Katsos certainly has used plenty of those very influences to fuel his song “How Would You Handle This?” with the looped minimalist percussion and keyboards holding the song up until the fade.

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  Billie Eilish Won't Follow Me by Teeniest

Billie Eilish Won't Follow Me cover art


There is a certain offbeat charm underpinning “Offbeat” by New York duo Teeniest and that gives this song its legs. The lyrics take Jonathan Richman to the coffee shop for a cappuccino with an extra shot of suitably ironic commentary thrown in.

  Heartbreak in the Making by Dagny

Heartbreak in the Making cover art


Polishing up that nineties pop rock groove and injecting it straight into a twenty first century song is Dagny with this Norwegian singer sounding like she is actually from sunny California. “Heartbreak in the Making” is retro Cadillac cool.

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  Still Holding On by The Dollyrots

Still Holding On cover art

Pop Punkiness

“Still Holding On” is a fine example of the pop punk style and The Dollyrots easily demonstrate their grasp of the core concepts of this raucous retro sound. I don’t know if they still have shopping malls but this song should be booming from the speakers in all of them

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  Tied by Mona Mur

Tied cover art


Mona Mur is a musical legend and it is therefore no surprise that she can take oppressive retro beats and nihilistic lyrics and turn them into something that could make the shadows dance. I wear black because that is what she decrees. Worship her.

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