Song reviews

  Dumb Bitch by cumgirl8

Dumb Bitch cover art


More sounds from the urban jungle with cumgirl8 throwing guitars, distortion, wiped out vocals and tortured electronica into the lo-fi dustbin to make “Dumb Bitch”. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure and this one makes me all fuzzy.

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  White Trash Wasted by Sunset Black

White Trash Wasted cover art


You can’t go far wrong with a bit of blue collar philosophy when it is wrapped up with Sunset Black’s nihilistic rap that echoes the mindset of those who will never live the Kardashian dream. “White Trash Wasted” is made to go with beer.

  Lover Meet My Eyes by Matt Boylan-Smith

Lover Meet My Eyes cover art


That retro rock vibe pervades “Lover Meet My Eyes” and, with the addition of guitar loops and synthesiser swirls designed to wash over you, Matt Boylan-Smith soon magnifies the enclosed emotion into a form that even FM radio of old could digest.

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  Dig Me Out by Meisha & The Spanks

Dig Me Out cover art


I like a song with muscles and “Dig Me Out” has definitely made use of both a gym membership and some steroids. Meisha & The Spanks rip up some hardcore power chords to start the fire and keep it going until the building burns down.

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  Sara Get The Baby by Kristeen Young

Sara Get The Baby cover art


Some manic minimalist synth pop from Kristeen Young with “Sara Get The Baby” leading you through the mid-life crisis littered streets. Powered by a sequenced combination of internalised rage and arthouse deconstruction, this one goes bang!

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  Older by Simone Miller

Older cover art


Kind of old school urban in her approach, Simone Miller takes a familiar post midnight path but her soul strolling style gives her voice the chance to convince those whose hearts are willing to listen. As they used to say back in the day, this one is a grower.

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  Baby Won’t You Stop by Hippies and Cowboys

Baby Won’t You Stop cover art

Miller time

Hippies and Cowboys take their song “Baby Won’t You Stop” for a walk down the Stax track and that is just fine with a soul man like me. The horn section would get arrested for grand larceny but there’s a short but muscular guitar solo to keep things fresh. Serve with cold beer.

  STHLM TOKYO by Sötnos

STHLM TOKYO cover art

Retro cool

“Sötnos” hide their wry humour and grunge meets indie ragged round the edges charm by mixing it in with a whole bundle of nineties retro sonic snippets such as power chords, hard urban beats and a chant for a hook to keep things going until the end. Solid irony in sound.

  Just Me by DeVries

Just Me cover art


One listen to “Just Me” is enough to convince these ears that this is another finger on the pulse of our times pop song and DeVries duly applies more than enough polish to slide it on to a radio playlist or ten. Heartfelt, no doubt.

  Trauma L3 by Bullets&Knives

Trauma L3 cover art


Belgian band Bullets&Knives do the angular euro rock thing rather well with “Trauma L3” mixing pulsating rhythms, hard edged, almost nihilistic, lyrics and power chords into their sonic stew. You’ll get a taste for it if you try.

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  Untouchable by MeMo

Untouchable cover art


Ever wondered what would happen if the cast of The Rocky Horror Picture Show got made redundant and had to take a job in a coffee shop? Well now you know and MeMo duly showtunes her way through “Untouchable” with true lipstick fervour. Glorious!

  Patrick Bateman by Housewife

Patrick Bateman cover art


Whilst undoubtedly bleak and low key , Housewife demonstrate a pleasing ability to balance fragility with lo-fi grunge intent. “Patrick Bateman” might not therefore break the mould but there is something about those intertwined voices that makes happy ears.

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