Song reviews

  S’Alright (G.O.T.I.T) by We Three Kings

S’Alright (G.O.T.I.T) cover art


Raucous and right to the point, We Three Kings crank up the riffs to kick their song “S’Alright” straight out of the park and into the streets from whence it came. Play loud, drink beer and sing along. It’s alright.

  Into Colour by Slye

Into Colour cover art

In Our Time

Slye dives deep into the retro influence pool and emerges with enough in the way of emotional sincerity, loops and sequenced moves to make “Into Colour” into the kind of song that might take you from dancefloor to morning.

Review date:

  Spread Out by BYSTS

Spread Out cover art


Pulsating with the oppressive beats borne of urban decay, “Spread Out” is about as clearly focused song as you might get in these troubled days with BYSTS bringing the walls in on themselves and us. Anarchy will be upon as all soon.

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  Nudes by Tyra Jutai

Nudes cover art


In her rather bleakly theatrical way, Tyra Jutai strikes out once more for our attention with her song “Nudes”. Her words have an edge sharpened to the point that most do not have and she therefore easily engages both heart and mind.

Review date:

  One Eyed Snake by Lush Puppy

One Eyed Snake cover art


“One Eyed Snake” might sound like the title of a fun song but this is the world of Lush Puppy and this bouncy ball of angular social commentary manages to ricochet itself across the road into a world of looped anger. This is telling it like it is.

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  Riot by The Runaway Models

Riot cover art


Another robust song from The Runaway Models, “Riot” throughs in enough anger and, dare I say it, political posture to add streetwise attitude to the growing number of reasons to listen to this local band. It’s a three minute song too. Sweet!

Review date:

  Screaming Quietly by Kerry Hart

Screaming Quietly cover art


There is an organic quality to Kerry Hart’s voice that gives her song “Screaming Quietly” a depth that is far from fashionable in these synthetically enhanced days and that makes for a refreshing change. A song that, for a change, speaks sense rather than shouts silliness.

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  Come Over by Dagny

Come Over cover art


Ah, the state of the modern pop song comes to my attention once more. “Come Over” is a perfectly constructed song from Dagny and, with plenty of digital polish applied, she makes it one that will easily make the jump from the radio to your Spotify playlist.

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  Fleeting Dance by Alexandra Lost

Fleeting Dance cover art


Minimalist bedsit electronica meets with fairytale intent as Alexandra Lost take their song “Fleeting Dance” for a casual stroll through the shadows of the night before stopping the song dead in its tracks. I see the light.

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  Bored Beyond Belief by Land of Rubber Men

Bored Beyond Belief cover art


Ever thought of chopping up a song into a mix of quirky bits and angular interludes? Land of Rubber Men clearly have and “Bored Beyond Belief (Sometimes)” provides the proof that you can do just that and still make a song that works.

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  Crystalline by Elisabeth Elektra

Crystalline cover art


Take some standard electro pop moves then add the kind of windswept sentiments that you would expect of a folk singer and you get “Crystalline” by Elisabeth Elektra. She’s not quite standard, that’s for sure.

  Let Me Hold Your Hand by The Frampton Sisters

Let Me Hold Your Hand cover art


I’m a sucker for harmonies, especially sentimental sibling ones, and the voices that intertwine and twist “Let Me Hold Your Hand” into a wistful enchantment are those of The Frampton Sisters. I feel the need to sigh and watch the sunset.

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