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  Album Cover Art of the Year 2008 Award

In these days of downloads, people are denied the pleasure of the album sleeve. For those of us still in love with the physical manifestations of music finding interesting packaging to accompany a listening session is something of a rarity these days. The winner and runner up came from independent musicians in Estonia and in India. Makes you wonder…

Raskatarsis Cd cover

The 2008 Winner



The Bluesbunny verdict

This album appeared out of the blue. In fact it was the first album that the Bluesbunny had ever received from a band from Estonia. The packaging was particularly impressive being presented as a collection of bound photographs on heavy card - not like anything we had seen before! The impressive, moody, black and white photography by Sten Eltermaa (who also did the art design if my Estonian is correct) was the perfect complement to the band's ambient sounds. Read the album review.

lounge piranha Cd cover

The 2008 Runner Up

Lounge Piranha

Going Nowhere

The Bluesbunny verdict

Lounge Piranha are a rock band that hail from Bangalore in India and "Going Nowhere is their first album. What looked like a standard CD digipak contained a booklet of imaginative and stylish art from George Mathen who is also the band's drummer. It certainly caught our eye. Read the album review.


Author: Angry Bluesbunny
