Andrea Godin is a 20 year-old singer and songwriter from Ontario, Canada. Despite being raised in a rural area, Andrea’s music relates much more to urban pop than to Shania Twain. Following the release of her debut album in 2010, her new single “Bullet” was released last month and is available on iTunes.
PM: Good afternoon and thank you for taking the time to talk to us!
AG: Thank you for having me!
PM: You began to sing at a young age. When did you realise you wanted to pursue a career in music?
AG: I realized that I wanted to make music my career after my very first vocal performance at the age of 11. As soon as I got off stage a wanted to go back on! I love performing so much and when I started writing originals when I was 14, it made me love music even more.
PM: In addition, you’re also a musician and songwriter. And you dance.
AG: I began learning guitar shortly after I started singing, and I’m so thankful I did. It’s been such a helpful songwriting tool. I’ve written many songs on guitar and it’s so much fun to play on stage. As for dancing, I started when I was 4 years old and I still continue to do so. I’ve competed in countless competitions and won many awards for dancing and now those skills have allowed me to incorporate choreography into my live show!
PM: You’ve already played at both the Grand Ole Opry and Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame, but it’s my understanding that you don’t see yourself as a country or rock singer. Is that correct?
AG: I do listen to and appreciate both country and rock, but those genres definitely aren’t me. When I performed at the Grand Ole Opry and Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame, I did covers of artists in those genres. It was such an amazing experience and it was so much fun, but you won’t be hearing a country or rock song of mine on the radio anytime soon! [laughs]
PM: Please tell us a little about your influences.
AG: I have many influences, but my number one influence and biggest idol is Beyonce. I’ve listened to her music since the days she was in Destiny’s Child and I’ve always looked up to her as an artist. She has an amazing voice, stage presence, music, and she seems very down to earth. Other influences include Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera, and Leona Lewis.
PM: Where can readers purchase or listen to your music?
AG: Readers can purchase my music on iTunes as well as all the major online music stores. My music can be heard for free on Reverbnation or Myspace.
PM: What plans lie ahead for you in 2011?
AG: This year I have many exciting things happening!! In the next few months, I have several magazine articles and interviews coming out and I’ll be keeping busy promoting my music and my single, “Bullet”. I’m currently in the writing process of my next single, which will be a song you’re gonna wanna dance to! Other than that, I will be trying to get more songs published, doing live performances, doing interviews, and recording new material. I’m very excited, make sure you keep on the lookout for everything I’m doing!
Ms Godin, thank you for your time!