Live Reviews

  The Humble Hobos live at Liquid Ship in Glasgow

I think it was the movie Star Wars that started with "In a galaxy far, far away…" Anyway, it is strange what goes through your head as you wait the bus that will take you to the Liquid Ship for a Friday night Free Candy Session. Like how there could be entire planets inside a chocolate bar that you can get in any corner shop. The Bluesbunny brain has clearly overheated and only Guinness can cure that in conjunction with some live music. Perhaps the Humble Hobos would do the trick?

Hitting the groove like one of those big ole trains coming down the line, the Humble Hobos even manage to make a jingle that they made for their local radio station sound cool. Starting off with a jingle would suggest that they are a little low on material but nothing could be further from the case. It is also hard to believe that this band are from Perth as they sound like they have been marinated in cheap whiskey and then dragged through the desert dust before being deep fried into a genuine, authentic country rock band. The lead singer goes by the moniker of "Uncle Aaron" and he has a proper man's hat for that authentic vibe. Think Lemmy had a hat like that although it probably had more stains on it. Cousin Chris (do they all have hillbilly names?) joins in the vocal fun adding a whole bag of gravel and some hard living to their sound.

The songs, the songs you fool! "Stepping Stones" bounced about the room like a drunken cowboy after that drunken cowboy had fallen in unrequited love with the barmaid. Bluesbunny approves of that course of action. As a band, they sound laidback but the rhythm is rock solid. Just to highlight their influences, they end their set with a cover of "Folsom Prison Blues" taken at the kind of pace that would outrun the General Lee. Be warned, the Humble Hobos will make you yearn for cheap whiskey, truckstop waitresses and a life of petty crime.

Unfortunately, Bluesbunny could not find a truck stop waitress so a substitute had to be found. With a kebab shop next door, it had to be chicken pakora.

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