Live Reviews

  Whisky Galore, Any Color Black and Hercules Mandarin live at The Liquid Ship in Glasgow

The signs are good tonight. A fresh barrel of Guinness and news that the "Guinness Engineer" had just visited the Liquid Ship to bring the black ambrosia to a degree of perfection not usually experienced outside of Dublin. Oh, there was some music as well from Whisky Galore, Any Color Black and Hercules Mandarin. It's a Free Candy Session after all.

Helping the Bluesbunny work up a thirst were Whisky Galore. A duo that showed remarkable coordination as they stamped on tambourines and shakers whilst strumming their stringed instruments. Laconic lyrics and dry humour lift these two good gentlemen right up into the arms of an appreciative crowd.  You've got to laugh as one of their songs ("Pay Day") started with that most accurate description of life on a low income "… when every single dinner is 50% toast". They don't seem to take themselves too seriously as well and are all the better for that. Well worth tracking them down.

Guinness going down well so on to Any Color Black. Another duo but rather less full of mirth than Whisky Galore. However, they are not without charm and also not without a catchy tune or two. Louise's distinctive, slightly husky, voice grabs your attention especially during an entrancing performance of "Kisses" that really got the audience going. A quality acoustic set - Any Color Black are normally much louder and electricified - that ended with a truly excellent song called "Minutes". If there is any justice, this is one band that will surely get commercial success. After all, they distracted this Bluesbunny from a near perfect pint of Guinness!

Last on tonight is Hercules Mandarin. Well known to the Bluesbunny, the man and his variably sized band are always guaranteed to deliver the goods. Tonight there are but three on stage but the songs say it all. Melodies abound and that's the kind of thing that you want to take home with you. Even better, we get a couple of new songs from their forthcoming album to accompany the top tunes from their current album (you have bought it, of course?). Ending on a short but effective version of "Rollover", you have to wonder why Hercules Mandarin is not booming out every radio in the land.

Three great acts and three excellent pints of Guinness. What more could a man want? You've guessed it - chicken pakora!

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