Live Reviews

  The Rockaburley New Year Ball live at Barfly in Glasgow

The Glasgow Barfly, in all its dank unpolished glory, is perhaps not the ideal location to ring in the New Year. However, the grand spectacle of the Rockaburley Ball was born there on Hogmanay. Suddenly, it wasn't the Barfly anymore; it was Minsky's, 1932, and inside stood many beautiful women. Dare we enter?

Our host for the evening - who made it patently clear that while she talks, we listen - was in great spirit, and it all made sense when she welcomed the first act to the stage. Golden De Licious was tantalisingly true to her name, and warmed the crowd up nicely. Baby, it wasn't just cold outside, but a few delinquents were lobbing Buckfast at us!

Performances from Rockaburley co-founders Daiquiri Dusk and Cat Aclysmic led to the last act before the intermission, Vendetta Vain, whose performance was apparently delayed due to "balloon trouble". Although more bubblegum cowgirl than rhinestone cowboy, Vendetta's gun-totin' finale certainly hit the mark.

During the intermission we were treated to a set of fast-paced rock 'n' roll from Scottish rockabilly stalwarts (can't call them "cats", eh?) The Coy Dogs. Mixing their own tunes with old favourites such as "Please Don't Touch" and "Summertime Blues", they could do little wrong. Coming soon to a bar near you!

All of this, and the bells hadn't even rang! As it happened, our wonderful host seemed to ring in the bells a good few minutes before the rest of the GMT-following world which is fine because I set my watch by Rockaburley time. The New Year, as expected, arrived but its arrival was perhaps unnoticed. When the girls are in action, time becomes irrelevant. The second half of the show featured further performances from Cat Aclysmic and Golden De Licious as well as Miss Hell's Belle and Gilda Lily. Each girl brought a truly loveable gimmick with them but always maintained their own style and flair.

And what better a finale than to welcome back all of the evening's performers to the sound of "Loch Lomond"? I've never been more proud to be Scottish. A rendition of "Auld Lang Syne" wouldn't have gone amiss either!

Once more, the good people at Rockaburley delivered an excellent evening of rock 'n' roll and burlesque to a hugely appreciative crowd. It looks likely that future Rockaburley evenings may even outgrow the Barfly but, all things considered, the events that transpired on that bitter Hogmanay will not soon be forgotten by performer and enthusiast alike. Even after all that rum!


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