Live Reviews

  Paper Planes, Pooch and The French Wives live at Stereo in Glasgow

Ever felt robbed. I did. You look at the listing for a gig and you figure that the name in big letters is on last. It's Glasgow and you don't want to waste your time drinking out of a plastic glass so you squeeze in a more civilised pint in the bar upstairs. Then you stroll downstairs (with all the put on coolness that a man can manage) and find out that the band that you were most interested in is now playing their last song.

Such was the case with the Paper Planes. Apparently a last minute swap put the headliner on first. But robbed is robbed, however. This band weren't subtle. They were loud, raucous and made like harbingers of a post punk (American style) apocalypse. That last song was called "Doris Day" and I'm pretty sure that Ms Day never rocked the house like the Paper Planes did tonight.

Next on were Pooch. Definitely following a retro path, this band played a lively set of eighties style electro rock. Driven on by a truly outstanding drummer (called Kirstin apparently), they played a confident set. Then the lead singer got her puppies out…of a bag and launched said cuddly toys into the audience. I love innuendo. It beats journalistic integrity any day.

The French Wives rounded things off for the night. I've seen them before and I even remember being impressed by them but tonight they gave a rather lacklustre performance that left them overshadowed by the other two bands on the bill. Hey, everybody has a bad night every now and then.

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