Live Reviews

  Alexander Murray, Gary Harrison, Robyn & Amie and Iain Raeper live at Jinty McGuinty's in Glasgow

You would think that I would be used to the rain by now. This is Glasgow, after all. So the rain started early and was still going strong as I strolled fearlessly along Byres Road but the dampness was getting to me. Time to make a sharp left turn up the lane to Jinty McGuinty's and find some shelter. By some chance, I also found music.

One of the veterans of the Glasgow music scene is Alexander Murray and he stage manages things here on a Sunday afternoon. He also manages to squeeze in a few of his own songs just to start things off. It was good to acquaint myself with the likes of "City Streets" and "Smile" again.

Following swiftly on was Gary Harrison. He adopts the standard one man and a guitar posture so beloved of singer songwriters in Glasgow. He also turns out not to be in the best of voice due to a cold and suffers accordingly in comparison to our Mr Murray. Perhaps another day?

Now, I've always been highly susceptible to harmonies. It's a small fault in a good man (or so I have been told). Robyn & Amie supplied a fine example of those harmonies and they duly soared over the chatter and set about soothing many a soul. Whilst they are perhaps a little too mannered in their presentation, you can see why a lot of people would take this young duo to their heart.

Iain Raeper is from Edinburgh. That would normally be enough cause for some pointed remarks about east coast shandy drinkers but Robyn & Amie had left me feeling quite mellow. Mellow is how things stayed as well, with Mr Raeper sounding more like he had travelled from the sunshine and beaches of the west coast of America rather than from Edinburgh and "Just Another Day" was a case in point. Just the thing to make a man forget the rain.

You can't avoid the rain forever and it is time to go. I think I'll buy an umbrella.

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