Live Reviews

  Eightball, A Torn Mind, Assume The Form and Jaded Playboy live at Pivo Pivo in Glasgow

Kodachrome. I was thinking about Kodachrome. Due to digital photography, the greatest slide film of them all was discontinued this year. A great shame as Kodachrome made the world beautiful. Azure is a beautiful colour. Azure and Kodachrome were made for each other. Anyway, I digress. Or rather, I digress again. It's getting to be a habit with me.

Somewhere through the arches, something else has caught my attention bringing me back to reality with a bang. A loud bang for this is Lanarkshire band Eightball, and they soon fill the room with their howling, growling piano driven hybrid of rock and funk. They play aggressively and their words are angry but that's a good thing. Music without emotion just doesn't work. Likewise, music without passion just doesn't work. But Eightball work.

A Torn Mind were on next. Solid, confident and melodic are words that can be used to describe this band and you can tell they are serious about their music by they way that they play. They grab their songs, squeeze them tight and launch them into the audience where they explode. Their metal tinged rock weapon takes no prisoners.

Keeping the decibel count high was Assume The Form. This local three piece band meandered amiably through their set but compared to the previous two bands, they were rather untidy and unfocussed leaving me with the feeling that their songs were dragging on just a bit too long. Don't get me wrong, they weren't bad by any means and they might well rock your boat but they ramble on a bit. Much like myself.

Last to try to blow down the walls of Jericho were Jaded Playboy. They piqued my curiosity. Although they sounded a bit like an indie rock band, there was a splashy, almost anarchic, feel to their playing that suggested there was more to them than met the ear. An underlying playfulness? Perhaps. A touch of the theatrical? Certainly. To tell the truth, the burning hot vocals sold this band to me but there was something else lurking beneath their musical veneer. That thing was intelligence.

That's the rambling over for another night.

Review Date:
