Live Reviews

  Debbie Morton, Emma Jane and Molly McCabe live at Pivo Pivo in Glasgow

My nose is cold. It's that time of year again when such an event becomes commonplace. I ask her if beer would provide a cure for my icy protuberance. She says that it would. She is right as usual. Krusovice starts the deforsting process but there's still time for a conversation about show tunes with a fellow barfly. No idea where that came from but it was probably beer related. Most things are.

A voice reaches my ears. The distinctive voice of Debbie Morton. She reminds me of Norah Jones but with the anodyne smoothness of that singer replaced by an edginess, perhaps even a rawness, that would suggest that fronting a rock band could be a feature of her future. One to be watching out for.

Molly McCabe takes to the stage next. Her guitar takes a back seat to her big voice. She has one of those voices that are just made for power ballads and you can tell that there isn't a string section in the world that she couldn't overcome. Her own songs proved to be somewhat downbeat and reflective and nearly fell into the "songs that men won't understand" category. With the right song she could steal hearts.

Last on was Emma Jane. No stranger to the Bluesbunny's ears, I've seen her perform solo and with a band but tonight she is doing the duo thing helped out by Iain McKinnon tastefully urbane electric guitar. Emma Jane's voice - and it has been a good night for voices - is as good as I remember but tonight she appeared altogether more relaxed on stage than I recall from previous reviews. Maybe she has finally found a musical direction that suits her? From the evidence, I think she has.

Another review over. Another free pizza eaten. Time to subject my nose to the elements once more. It's only beer. It's not anti-freeze.

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