And the rain came down. In no time at all, Saturday night street life in this no mean city became more like pond life. Seeking shelter was the only way to go.
And so it was that Bluesbunny returned to the hell of Box just in time to catch some young and dreadfully intense chap in a green t-shirt caressing his acoustic guitar to no particular effect. No idea what his name was but, even if he were wrapped in Gore-Tex, he would still be damp.
This being Glasgow, it wouldn’t be Saturday without some ned rock even it had to be specially imported for the occasion from Bo’ness. Tonight’s import was called The Future Capital and they had the unmistakeable aroma of a band that drowning in a puddle of influences and, it just wasn’t their night, they were about to have their arses kicked by a bunch of girls.
And so to the main event. Though ostensibly calling themselves Bad Charms, it was no less than The Hedrons who stepped next on to that stage and duly showed just how it should be done. Having kidnapped Lisa from The Retrofrets to be their new axe girl, this four strong female powerhouse pummelled all resistance with rifftastic songs delivered with the kind of punch that men of all ages appreciate and, with their confidence growing with each song– Tippi even took to walking the bar – they soon brought a smile to the collective faces of the crowd. So much so that - and bear in mind that The Hedrons did a full set – they got dragged back for an encore. That meant there was more than enough time to further investigate my new obsession with women who play bass guitar. All in the name of science, of course.
So, the first lesson of the night is clear. If you play ned rock, you can, and will, be beaten senseless by a bunch of girls. The second lesson is that The Hedrons are back.