Nekkuro Hána, Lucid Hound, Luthia and Aortarota live at Hug and Pint in Glasgow
Gravelle, Liquid Metal and Middle Class Guilt live at Hug and Pint in Glasgow
St Andrews Fall, The Lonely Oatcake and The Biscuit Factory live at The Admiral Bar in Glasgow
Anna Sweeney and Cortnë live at Stereo in Glasgow
Jessica Lynn, Gasoline & Matches and Gary Johnstone live at Audio in Glasgow
Ette, Call to Mind, The Royal Male and The Moth & The Mirror live at The Oran Mor in Glasgow
Charlotte Marshall & The 45s and FuBB live at The Oran Mor in Glasgow
Colonel Mustard & The Dijon 5, Rail Fan and Henge live at The Oran Mor in Glasgow
Sonny Marvello, KVASIR and Kevin Harper live at Stereo in Glasgow
Randolph’s Leap, Woodenbox and the State Broadcasters live at St Luke's in Glasgow
Lucia Fontainé and Vintage Air live at The Hug and Pint in Glasgow
Tacocat, Breakfast Muff and Youngstrr Joey live at Broadcast in Glasgow