Song reviews

  I Actually Don’t Wanna Die by Sunnsetter

I Actually Don’t Wanna Die cover art


As the title might well suggest, “I Actually Don’t Wanna Die” is about as downbeat and downbeat goes with even the echoes of hope in the lyrics being incapable of moving this song out of angst territory. Sunnsetter clearly smiles not a lot.

Review date:

  Like A Bomb by Lauren Freebird

Like A Bomb cover art


There are a lot of sassy women in country music these days and Lauren Freebird duly adds herself to that roster with “Like A Bomb” being infused with both a bourbon for breakfast attitude and make your own dinner lyrics.

Review date:

  Orange Turned To Blue by Melanie Stevens

Orange Turned To Blue cover art


Much as I hate to admit it, I liked this song. “Qrange Turned To Blue” sounds like it should be carried on the wind with Melanie Stevens doing the whole heart on her sleeve lyric thing with some style. Nice voice too.

  When Youth Was Wasted by Dover Lynn Fox

When Youth Was Wasted cover art


“When Youth Was Wasted” is infused with that seventies singer songwriter vibe and is none the worse for that with Dover Lynn Fox throwing in some literate lyrics before taking her song to the bridge. This one is indeed easy on the ear.

Review date:

  Karen’s Couch by Her Skin

Karen’s Couch cover art


Another song with coffee shop sensibilities, “Karen’s Couch” makes a convincing case for another cappuccino as Her Skin turns up the guitars and mixes in enough angst ridden lyrics to make you want more.

Review date:

  Say It To My Face by Angela Chambers

Say It To My Face cover art


There’s nothing wrong with heart on your sleeve lyrics and Angela Chambers duly adds a healthy amount of them to her song “Say It To My Face” to provide some necessary counterpoint to the plastic production.

Review date:

  Human by The Hedrons

Human cover art


I remember catching The Hedrons at a bar in Glasgow some years ago and recall them as being a rather boisterous band. “Human”, however, is mellow middle of the road rock that is surely destined to be added to a Radio 2 playlist. Nice.

Review date:

  Lately by Mared

Lately cover art


Delicately presented and infused with wistful words and fey melody, “Lately” is the kind of song that pretty much defines ear candy. Mared walks down the sentimental path with this song but you nonetheless want to follow her.

  How Rude by Brume

How Rude cover art


Not a song to induce a smile, “How Rude” nonetheless rolls along with a notable amount of intensity and purpose. Brume are indeed bleak mixed with dark clouds and power chords yet they have a poise that makes it all worthwhile

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  Anatolia by Monsieur Minimal

Anatolia cover art


Monsieur Minimal makes interesting use of middle eastern rhythms to keep his entirely instrumental song “Anatolia” moving along at a spirited pace on its way to a vaguely psychedelic destination. It’s a trippy thing.

Review date:

  Fading Echoes by Lenexa Drive

Fading Echoes cover art

Pop punk

Having done the time travelling thing in search of musical inspiration, Lenexa Drive duly put on their best pop punk shoes and kick their song “Fading Echoes” around the room with considerable gusto. It’s a nineties power chord thing.

  Red Light Rumble by Barrel Smoke

Red Light Rumble cover art


Old school rock never goes out of fashion and “Red Light Rumble” by Barrel Smoke duly fires up the proverbial tour bus and takes it out on to the road once more. There are guitars aplenty, as you might expect, and the song improves with beer and volume.

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