Song reviews

  The Drugs Are Working by Hook

The Drugs Are Working cover art


“The Drugs Are Working” runs deeper than its title might suggest with Hook pulling some solid rock moves together, with a guitar solo of course, to remind us all that music of our fathers is not dead yet. Works well with beer too.

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  Wildest Dreams by Little Lies

Wildest Dreams cover art


Is it wrong to like rabbits? “Wildest Dreams” by Little Lies is about as cute an indie pop song as you might get in Sweden or, indeed, anywhere in the world with those adorable female vocals making me dream of sunshine and frolicking bunnies.

  Oh Hell by No Guidance

Oh Hell cover art


“Oh Hell” turns out to be an energetic example of melodic punk rock from Germany with No Guidance riffing it up like it was a long time past yesterday and the song’s mostly metal construction effectively holds the nihilism together.

  Lucid Love by Siula

Lucid Love cover art

Retro cool

“Lucid Love” plays out like a low key tribute to minimalism with Siula laconically robbing the dancefloor of both beats and pared down lyrics as they lock your ears into their loop. One for the cool kids, without a doubt.

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  I Want One of What He’s Got by Ferri and The Fevers

I Want One of What He’s Got cover art


A robust one from Glasgow’s Ferri and The Fevers with “I Want One of What He’s Got” riffing those guitars like there was no tomorrow with the unique selling point being the unexpectedly diversity oriented lyrics. Those words made me smile.

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  There is Nothing by VK Lynne

There is Nothing cover art


“There is Nothing” is another chunk of solid rock from VK Lynne distinguished by some deeper than usual lyrics delivered over the customary thudding drums and riffing guitars expected of the genre. For a change, worthy and loud co-exist.

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  Watch Your Lady (Bam Bam) by Jeany James

Watch Your Lady (Bam Bam) cover art


Echoes of the dancefloor resonate through “Watch Your Lady (Bam Bam) “ with all that stylised repetition allowing Jeany James to identify herself as a purveyor of modern processed pop songs. It’s the sound of today.

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  Sound The Siren by Cellmod

Sound The Siren cover art


Cellmod has the unmistakeable sound of an escapee from the prison of the dancefloor and “Sound The Siren” robotically, and successfully, sets out to convince you of the need to add this song to your phone’s midnight playlist.

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  Chimpanzee by Bonneville

Chimpanzee cover art


They still make them like they used to. Bonneville takes the old school singer songwriter route with her song “Chimpanzee” and duly enchants the coffee shop crowd into following her every word. Laconically ironic is where it is at

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  Ankara Punk by Hermetic Delight

Ankara Punk cover art


Some nicely melodic pop from Hermetic Delight who season their song “Ankara Punk” with sentimental lyrics, eighties synth pop style and a sugary coating. It’s enough to make you want to eat cake and dream of better days.

  Unsaid by Apart

Unsaid cover art


Perhaps oddly for a French band, Apart sound positively American on their song “Unsaid”. The guitars lead the song along with spirit although the laconic vocals and tempo changes add an atmosphere of anguish. It’s intensity at work.

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  In Your Pocket by Technopolice

In Your Pocket cover art


“In Your Pocket” sounds like a revival of the pop punk sound of retro America yet Technopolice hail from France and their guitar fuelled angularity is duly delivered with both bad attitude and better than average style.

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