Song reviews

  One For My Daddy'O by Udi Levy

One For My Daddy'O cover art

Solid as a rock

Revving up the engine of talent, Udi Levy races through his rock instrumental called “One For My Daddy’O” with so much fret board fleetness and flair that you will have no option other than to persuade him, by fair means or foul, to join your band.

Review date:

  Monday's Guide by Roger Gomez

Monday's Guide cover art

Middle of the road

There will always be musicians out to impress the mainstream and Roger Gomez seems to be one of those people. His single “Monday’s Guide” therefore aims for the middle of the road and gets there without fuss, flair or fanfare.

  This Love by Memory in Plant

This Love cover art

Going deep

Complex and no doubt proud possessors of unfinished beards, Israeli band Memory in Plant infuse their song “This Love” with a well selected set of musical influences that lift them into the realm between post rock and electronically induced psychedelia. Mind expanding is clearly the way to go.

  Genius by The Courtesans

Genius cover art

Slick sisters

More mature and melodramatic pop from The Courtesans as “Genius” holds the stereotyping of women up to the lyrical mirror. It’s a slickly produced and performed song that walks confidently through the shadows even if the cynical amongst you might wonder who is actually being stereotyped here.

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  Easy Go by Jamie Flett

Easy Go cover art

Glasgow star

There was something about “Easy Go” (by the redoubtable Jamie Flett) that made me think of Eric Clapton round about the time when he was on the smack. Maybe it was the free rolling feel or the implied spiritualism of the lyrics? Maybe, or more likely it was the relaxed attitude to performance that having real talent brings. A very good song either way.

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  Pearly by Et Tu Brucé

Pearly cover art

Modern fashions

“Pearly” harks back to the days when a pop song was a pop song and you can’t blame Et Tu Brucé for reliving the musical pleasures of times past so let’s clap our hands once more for the verse-chorus-verse-chorus and take it to the bridge format and sing along just as we should. I am feeling the love here.

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  Black Sky Blues by Jim Byrne

Black Sky Blues cover art

Making changes

Jim Byrne roughs himself up and gets petulant regarding the time honoured four to the floor beat and thus uses “Black Sky Blues” to give himself something of a sonic makeover. The slide guitar and the side order of whiskey surreptitiously served up to his voice add authenticity even if the drummer urgently needs new batteries.

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  Lullaby by The Courtesans

Lullaby cover art

Four in a row

Polished and professional and yet still infused with a sense of the dramatic, The Courtesans throw their angst into a late night fairytale called “Lullaby”. It’s all atmosphere and deeper meaning but convincing nonetheless. The word is duly given for this song.

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  Wake by Dante

Wake cover art

Singing by numbers

Mainstream, and thus perhaps unavoidably unadventurous, Dante present “Wake” as the summation of all the right Scottish musical influences, i.e. Frightened Rabbit, and will no doubt present this song to the masses at as many summer festivals as their manager can get them into. I hazard a guess however that not many of those present will remember this song.

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  How Long by United Fruit

How Long cover art

Effective indie

Surprisingly effective for a Glasgow indie band, United Fruit set out and succeed in rocking the house with their guitar driven “How Long (Change You Into Something Better)”. Hellfire, this song even has a big chorus to get you punching the air so drink beer and sing along for that is the greater purpose here.

  I Created by Abscondo

I Created cover art

Euro fluff

Earnest to the point of being well intentioned, “I Created” provides more than enough evidence that Abscondo have mastered the art of being anodyne. An inoffensive and eminently forgettable song.

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  2 by Paradigm

2 cover art


It would appear that “2” is the first single from a new rock band called Paradigm. They manage to go commendably large on the chorus but the rest of the song drags by in extended repetition mode. Editing a couple of minutes out of this five minute plus song would prove beneficial to all concerned.

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