Song reviews

  Into The Light by Sam Lumsden

Into The Light cover art

Drum sticks

Despite being but a one man and a laptop band, Aberdeen’s Sam Lumsden exceeds expectations with “Into the Light”. He sounds commercial but has more than enough edge to make a lady’s heart flutter. If this song is indicative of what we can expect from him, there is a clear and present danger that he could do decent festival business.

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  Something New by Strangers

Something New cover art


Modern day electro pop from Strangers. Whilst there is not much innovative to the music, you have to admire the emotive vocals courtesy of David Maddox-Jones and Eleanor Fletcher that make “Something New” something a bit special.

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  A song by Josefin (Featuring Cleo)

A song cover art

Electro dance

She’s Swedish so she is, perhaps unsurprisingly, retro but Josefin nonetheless impresses with a vocal performance that bears comparison with Annie Lennox. The rap interlude; however, seems a clumsy addition to a song that would otherwise sweep you straight on to the dance floor.

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  Thickslap by Stalkers

Thickslap cover art

Cleveland rockers

“Thickslap” is a rambling and untidy slice of lo-fi grunge rock from Cleveland’s Stalkers. Despite the technical flaws however, there is playfulness to the performance of the song that indicates that this band won’t be getting struck in someone else’s rut.

  Rose Wine by Stevie Lightnin’

Rose Wine cover art

Spirited singer

A rough and ready demo from an earnest Glasgow singer songwriter, “Rosė Wine” shows Stevie Lightnin’ to be free of those all too common Nick Drake staring at the ground influences. Instead he shows that he has a clear desire to entertain here and that, in itself, is quite refreshing.

  Precious People by Camilla Sparkass

Precious People cover art

Quirky electro

There’s always a place in my heart for some oddball European electro and that’s what you get from Camilla Sparkass with the female non vocals and a simple sequenced beat providing proof that “Precious People” is borne of arthouse sensibilities. Andy Warhol would definitely have approved.

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  Walls Cave In by Berenice Scott

Walls Cave In cover art

Civilised singer

Immensely elegant - and therefore piano driven almost by default - “Walls Cave In” shows Berenice Scott to be a performer of class and some distinction. Whilst it is unlikely that she would ever sing a song that would scare your aunt, Ms Scott is nonetheless rewardingly soothing to the ears.

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  Luv by Flynn

Luv cover art

Fey duo

Flynn, judging from “Luv” at least, is a seriously lightweight acoustic duo with Kate Nash and candy floss prevalent amongst their influences. That said, they possess a certain unforced charm that might be just enough to allow them to stand out from the crowd.

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  Green by Bronagh and the Boys

Green cover art

Going places

Wistful seems to be the theme of the week and Bronagh and The Boys turn “Green” into an earnest and touching song that will tug at the heart strings of many.  Underneath that obvious commercial appeal however are some downright quirky lyrics that suggest that there may be a knife wielding poet hiding amongst Bronagh and her boys.

  Without You by Marie Lalá

Without You cover art

Catchy europopster

Some wistful Swedish neo electro pop from Marie Lalá this time with “Without You” being the kind of lost love song that seems destined for an afterlife in karaoke land. You won’t want to sing along but you will. You will you will you will.

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  Other Tales by Queenfish & Other Tales

Other Tales cover art

Swedish songstress

Whilst clearly of the sensitive singer songwriter persuasion, Queenfish & Other Tales – aka Ewa Wikström - takes a more thorough approach than normal with “Dive In” being both emotive and elegantly arranged and Ms Wikström’s voice hitting just the right balance between melancholy and dignity.

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  All Returns by Wolf People

All Returns cover art

Retro folk rock

A rambling yet appealing seventies style rock song, “All Returns”  shows Wolf People to be a band in awe of a past that was, in all probability, gone before they were even born.  However, the male vocal makes the most of obvious folk influences and, with skilled musicianship bringing up the rear, the result is pleasingly atmospheric.

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