Song reviews

  Cassini by Algernon Doll

Cassini cover art

The self

Once again disappointment is the order of the day for Algernon Doll’s “Cassini” proves to be yet another downbeat and interminable scuzzathon tripped up by too many influences and minimal musical skills. Simply dull.

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  When My Heart by Vanbot

When My Heart cover art

Electro poptastic

They must be doing some serious genetic engineering out there in Scandinavia as they seem to have an inexhaustible supply of upbeat electro pop bands. “When My Heart Breaks” shows Vanbot to be another chip of the old retro block but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that and a good pop song is always welcome here.

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  Sin City by Jack Jefferson

Sin City cover art

Not another one

A newcomer to the world of third rate laptop electronica, Jack Jefferson tries to put as many awkwardly edited sounds and inject as much unfortunate vocal processing into “Sin City” as his lack of imagination and ability will allow. No one should have to listen to this.

  Knives in our Pockets by High Windows

Knives in our Pockets cover art

Left of centre indie rock

No idea who High Windows are but I reckon that I will have to find out.  “Knives In Our Pockets” is a jagged little song with unhealthy amounts of twisted guitars and impassioned vocals kicking it up and down the mean streets of the big city. I hear and believe what they are saying. (A free download from Bandcamp).

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  Blue Ceiling by Jumpel

Blue Ceiling cover art

German electronica

I am not a fan of minimalist – and usually inconsequential - ambient electronica and Jumpel’s “Blue Ceiling” would have been rapidly discarded were it not enlivened to the point of the hypnotic by the wistful vocals of Chloë March. Subtly beautiful.

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  G.O.D. by Binary

G.O.D. cover art

Counting the cash

Although locked in a sequenced time warp, Binary make with plenty of pleasant theatricality and consequently lift “G.O.D.” out of the ordinary and put it straight into the pockets of the nearest Coldplay fan. Unless I am greatly mistaken, this is what counts as commercial music these days.

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  Debris by Tropical Tobacco

Debris cover art

Ain't no sunshine

Hushed vocals and a moody laptop actually succeed in giving “Debris”, by Tropical Tobacco, a dark and downbeat atmosphere and you might therefore be inclined to associate them, in musical terms at least, with a London basement of the nineties rather than the Portuguese sunshine.

  Hungry Heart by This Vision

Hungry Heart cover art

Swedish retro rockets

I just can’t get enough of the currently prevalent Swedish take on europop. Well, actually I can but that doesn’t stop This Vision from turning on the retro rockets and locking their robotic sequencers on 1988. “Hungry Heart” would have been huge back in the day of synth pop and mascara.

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  Haunting by Bones on Show

Haunting cover art

Yet another day

Bones on Show – it’s an alias –is/are a little bit better than your average singer songwriter but, ultimately, average dexterity and a half decent voice won’t get you far in a world addicted to gimmicks. “Haunting” therefore fails to excite and the song soon drowns in a small pond of indifference

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  Burning Books by Poor Frisco

Burning Books cover art

Standing up somehow

Likeable if somewaht limp indie rock from East Kilbride, Poor Frisco manage to turn “Burning Books” from what you would think should be a rock anthem into something that would not frighten even a wearer of cardigans from the west (or should that be wooss) end of Glasgow. All things considered, your sister is probably scarier than this song.

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  Joy by Tammie K

Joy cover art

Uptown girl

“Joy” is a laidback urban jazz flavoured song by New Yorker Tammie K that has the mark of class stamped upon it. Subtly supportive playing leaves plenty of space for her voice to charm and caress your ears. A suitable choice for the musically mature methinks.

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  This is Where the Story ends by So Sexual

This is Where the Story ends cover art


It’s as if today never happened as Liverpool band So Sexual use all the moody synth pop influences of their native city from way back in the eighties to kick start their single “This Is Where The Story Ends” and steer it off down the sequenced yellow brick road. It’s a likeable song though and it even inspires you to rearrange the following words into the name of another band – Bunnymen the and Echo.

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