Song reviews

  Extraordinary by Rocket

Extraordinary cover art


Los Angeles band take the turn for the mainstream freeway with their song “Extraordinary” maintaining the legal limit for its four and a half minute journey and Janelle Barreto having the sense to drive the song safely and considerately.

Review date:

  Bones of You by Caragh

Bones of You cover art


I seem to remember that Caragh once sang the saddest song that she who stabs had ever heard. “Bones of You” also successfully evokes a similarly sentimental response if from a rather more mature perspective. A most elegant and emotional song.

  M2M by Romi O

M2M cover art


Romi O walks a fine line between looped rigidity and outright quirkiness with her song “M2M” having an oddball vibe that encourages curiosity regarding the rest of her musical output. Maybe not radio material yet distinctly interesting.

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  Ego by Alex Rapp

Ego cover art


Alex Rapp goes all deep and reflective with “Ego” and, with sequencers and synthesisers supporting her, the mood is set for drama in a most stylish way. Curiously, I liked this song a lot better the second time I heard it.

Review date:

  Inexorcisable by Damien Done

Inexorcisable  cover art


Thoroughly downbeat, “Inexorcisable” spirals into the shadows with fair degrees of both poise and purpose. Damien Done isn’t, of course, in the business of making you smile but his words are always worthy of a pause to ponder.

  The Space Between by Lisa Humber

The Space Between cover art


Literate in that festival friendly way, Lisa Humber confidently takes her song “The Space Between” for a walk from her heart to yours with radio friendliness clearly in her gameplan. It’s a big city coffee shop song without a doubt.

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  Ignite The Sky by Defiant

Ignite The Sky cover art


You won’t find any references to kittens or bunny rabbits in any of Defiant’s songs and “Ignite The Sky” duly keeps to their chosen lyrical path with their rock meets metal nihilism nonetheless proving particularly effective when combined with beer.

Review date:

  Waves by J Edna Mae

Waves cover art


The big ballad surreptitiously returns in the guise of “Waves” and J Edna Me duly amplifies the emotions with minimal piano and maximum swooping synths helping her take the song all the way from chorus to bridge. It’s a big one.

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  What I Didn’t Tell You by Elia Orson

What I Didn’t Tell You cover art


I’m sure you (like me) know class when you hear it and “What I Didn’t Tell You” is just that. The vibe is nineties neo soul meets post-midnight jazz and Elia Orson’s voice poise and elegance will convince even jaded ears of the need to listen.

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  Lemme Go by Alien Tango

Lemme Go cover art


Almost diffident in its untidiness, “Lemme Go” struts along the street to the sixties. The song sounds murky and, with little in the way of poetic lyrics, it is wonder that it works at all. But it does and that, methinks, is the Alien Tango magic.

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  Nari Nari by Holbrook

Nari Nari cover art


Some songs run deeper than others and “Nari Nari” is such a song with Holbrook spinning their guitars into a coat of much meaningfulness and duly wearing it with style. There is, of course, European quirkiness stitched in but it’s quality nonetheless.

  Want To Go Back by Wolf Manhattan

Want To Go Back cover art


I can live with this one. “Want To Go Back” loops round the bedroom like a song borne of a well provisioned record collection yet Wolf Manhattan has the nous to revere his references rather than just replicating them. I shall sing along.

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