It wasn't the best year for classic new albums although there were, in truth, a higher than average number of reasonable albums. Scottish bands had a particularly poor showing with a worringly large number getting filed in the bin. There is, after all, only so many third rate musically inept Frightened Rabbit clones that you can listen to. So, in order of worship – and with a Big Mac and fries for the losers – the results are…

1. Sylvia Anglani – Complice
What has happened here! Low key Italian jazz songstress stomps over the competition with the kind of mature album that a reviewer dreams of. Not a single song in English either and yet she takes top honours. It is amazing what genuine talent can do. Read the full review.

2. Holly Cole – Night
Another jazz songstress? Indeed it is and the redoutable Holly Cole returns to form with the assistance of her usual suspects and an inspired (or perhaps bizarre) choice of covers. I mean "Viva Las Vegas"? The woman is an inspiration to us all. Read the full review.

3. Chris Devotion and The Expectations – Amalgamation and Capital
Raucous, untidy and spirtually uplifting, Chris Devotion and The Expectations could have made even the Queen smile (in 3D too) with their album "Amalgamation and Capital". Hopefully they will be knighted before they are consigned to rock 'n' roll oblivion. Read the full review.

4. Puffy Areolas – 1982: Dishonourable Discharge
Crumbling, rumbling and rambling, this lo-fi basement groove machine are clearly capable of busting your head open given the evidence contained in the grooves of their album. You cannot be inoculated against music like this and you would not want to be. Read the full review.

5. Anna Von Hausswolff – Ceremony
Initially "Ceremony" seeemed something of an indulgence to these ears but, in the fullness of time, its bleak majesty became only too apparent. Read the full review.

6. The Plimptons - The Plimptons Are Cynical and Bloated
This beserk album was a late, late addition to the top ten list. Anarchic and downright amusing, The Plimptons showed a class that few bands in Glasgow even try to achieve. One listen to this album and you will be overcome with the need to shoot each and every sensitive singer songwriter that you encounter. God works in mysterious ways indeed. Read the full review.

7. Shijo X – If A Night
An Italian band with no fear of taking a walk on the wild side, Shijo X gave us this precise and mannered album full of sophistication and emotion. And style too. Don't forget the style. Read the full review.

8. Miss Quincy – Like The Devil Does
Miss Quincy takes her second album and uses it to show that you can make your mark with nothing more than understated ability and a respect for the past. I tip my hat to her. Read the full review.

9. Tom Billington – As Luck Would Have It
The exception to the rule, Tom Billington is a singer songwriter who retains his credibility throughout his album "As Luck would Have It". A masterclass in how to do just that, in fact. Read the full review.

10. Shelley Short – Then Came The After
Holding the record for the length of time an album stayed in the car stereo playlist (the only one that really matters), Shelley Short's "Then Came The After" charmed these ears time and time again. Read the full review.
Well, that's the top ten albums for 2012 from Bluesbunny and all that remains is to make a special mention for the compilation of the year "Some Songs Side By Side". Featuring the cream of Glasgow's so deep underground that even I had to look them up bands, this labour of love (it was on vinyl, after all) illustrated perfectly that there is hope for the future of music in this no mean city.
Live long and prosper!