Wooden Box and Acousticbug live at Liquid Ship in Glasgow
A Band Called Quinn, Honeytone Cody, The Ghosts, Isa & the Filthy Tongues and the Moth & the Mirror live at Oran Mor in Glasgow
Sonny Marvello, Sisa and Magic Box Mistress live at Capitol in Glasgow
Suspire, Graystar and Andrew Quinn live at Liquid Ship in Glasgow
Alexander Murray, Crawford Smith and the Tempus Fugitives live at Linen 1906 in Glasgow
Lynne McIntosh, Craig Casey and Emma Jane live at Terminal Bar in Glasgow
Journeybox, Invisible Twin and Rick Redbeard live at Terminal Bar in Glasgow
Richard Holmes, Captain Howdie and Andrea Marini live at Liquid Ship in Glasgow
Crawford Smith, Flowers for Algernon, Jim McAteer and Caragh Nugent live at Liquid Ship in Glasgow
The Scuffers, Dropkick, Dead Beat Club and My Radio live at Henry's Cellar Bar in Edinburgh
Pat Monaghan, Iain McKinnon and Invisible Jim live at Liquid Ship in Glasgow
Collette McKendrick live at The Hold in Glasgow