Album, Single and EP Reviews




The Shores of Infinity cover art

 A review of The Shores of Infinity by Menagerie

Review date:


Blueprints cover art

 A review of Blueprints by Labasheeda

Review date:

  Mad Painter

Splashed cover art

 A review of Splashed by Mad Painter

Review date:

  Frenchie Moe

Soul Full Tonight cover art

 A review of Soul Full Tonight by Frenchie Moe

Review date:

  Tom Houston

Everything in the Delicatessen cover art

 A review of Everything in the Delicatessen by Tom Houston

Review date:

  The Dollyrots

Night Owls cover art

 A review of Night Owls by The Dollyrots

Review date:

  Freschard & Stanley Brinks

Iron Eye cover art

 A review of Iron Eye by Freschard & Stanley Brinks

Review date:

  Baby Fire

A Year of Grace cover art

 A review of A Year of Grace by Baby Fire

Review date:

  The Lonely Oatcake

The Oatcake Guide to Natural History  cover art

 A review of The Oatcake Guide to Natural History by The Lonely Oatcake

Review date:

  Scott Hepple and The Sun Band

Ashes to Wildflowers cover art

 A review of Ashes to Wildflowers by Scott Hepple and The Sun Band

Review date:

  The Eisenhowers

Nudge Unit Blues cover art

 A review of Nudge Unit Blues by The Eisenhowers

Review date:

  Siskin Green

Siskin Green cover art

 A review of Siskin Green by Siskin Green

Review date:

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