Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Birds of Ontario

Birds of Ontario cover art

 A review of Birds of Ontario by Birds of Ontario

Review date:

  City Maze

Heavy Heart cover art

 A review of Heavy Heart by City Maze

Review date:

  Champion of Youth

Champion of Youth cover art

 A review of Champion of Youth by Champion of Youth

Review date:

  Clara Joy

Far From Here cover art

 A review of Far From Here by Clara Joy

Review date:


Nous Avons Joué Tous Les Deux cover art

 A review of Nous Avons Joué Tous Les Deux by Poupard

Review date:

  De Marion

Down The Road of Mainstream cover art

 A review of Down The Road of Mainstream by De Marion

Review date:

  Infinite Eve

The Story cover art

 A review of The Story by Infinite Eve

Review date:

  Calista Kazuko

Empress cover art

 A review of Empress by Calista Kazuko

Review date:


Brutal Pop EP cover art

 A review of Brutal Pop EP by SUN

Review date:

  Lorraine Jordan

Send My Soul cover art

 A review of Send My Soul by Lorraine Jordan

Review date:


Lovely Dark Things cover art

 A review of Lovely Dark Things by Braii

Review date:


Bruto Minore cover art

 A review of Bruto Minore by Ronin

Review date:

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