Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Plastic Palms

Flip Haus cover art

 A review of Flip Haus by Plastic Palms

Review date:

  Space Schädel

Opus Schädel 1 cover art

 A review of Opus Schädel 1 by Space Schädel

Review date:

  Beautiful Skeletons

Temperance cover art

 A review of Temperance by Beautiful Skeletons

Review date:

  Bad Friends With Black Cats

I Want To Move cover art

 A review of I Want To Move by Bad Friends With Black Cats

Review date:

  Blue Rose Code

Bright Circumstances cover art

 A review of Bright Circumstances by Blue Rose Code

Review date:

  Weird Bloom

Stargate cover art

 A review of Stargate by Weird Bloom

Review date:

  Transient Visitor

TV3 cover art

 A review of TV3 by Transient Visitor

Review date:

  I Will Take You Hunting

Not Broken cover art

 A review of Not Broken by I Will Take You Hunting

Review date:

  Jim Byrne

A Scottish Child from the 1960s cover art

 A review of A Scottish Child from the 1960s by Jim Byrne

Review date:

  Wojtek The Bear

Shaking Hands With The NME cover art

 A review of Shaking Hands With The NME by Wojtek The Bear

Review date:

  Yellow Days

Hotel Heaven cover art

 A review of Hotel Heaven by Yellow Days

Review date:


Over Vannet cover art

 A review of Over Vannet by Duesund

Review date:

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