Album, Single and EP Reviews




Vices cover art

 A review of Vices by Resister

Review date:

  Adam Ross

Littoral Zone cover art

 A review of Littoral Zone by Adam Ross

Review date:


Consequences of Disbelief cover art

 A review of Consequences of Disbelief by Relicon

Review date:

  Eamon The Destroyer

Alternate Piranhas EP cover art

 A review of Alternate Piranhas EP by Eamon The Destroyer

Review date:

  Xan Tyler

Holding Up Half The Sky cover art

 A review of Holding Up Half The Sky by Xan Tyler

Review date:


Mud cover art

 A review of Mud by Milkshed

Review date:

  Terra Nullius

Magam Bajnoka cover art

 A review of Magam Bajnoka by Terra Nullius

Review date:

  Susanne Darre

Fragile cover art

 A review of Fragile by Susanne Darre

Review date:

  Plastic Palms

Flip Haus cover art

 A review of Flip Haus by Plastic Palms

Review date:

  Space Schädel

Opus Schädel 1 cover art

 A review of Opus Schädel 1 by Space Schädel

Review date:

  Beautiful Skeletons

Temperance cover art

 A review of Temperance by Beautiful Skeletons

Review date:

  Bad Friends With Black Cats

I Want To Move cover art

 A review of I Want To Move by Bad Friends With Black Cats

Review date:

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