Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Elis Macfadyen

True Hearts and Travel Tales cover art

 A review of True Hearts and Travel Tales by Elis Macfadyen

Review date:

  Hanging Freud

Worship cover art

 A review of Worship by Hanging Freud

Review date:

  Miss Chain & The Broken Heels

Storms cover art

 A review of Storms by Miss Chain & The Broken Heels

Review date:

  Saddam Webcam

Excès de beurre & Ruine morale cover art

 A review of Excès de beurre & Ruine morale by Saddam Webcam

Review date:

  Conflux Coldwell

Memorex Mori cover art

 A review of Memorex Mori by Conflux Coldwell

Review date:


Whiskey Hotel Tango cover art

 A review of Whiskey Hotel Tango by wht.rbbt.obj

Review date:

  Saverio Maccne

Southern Light cover art

 A review of Southern Light by Saverio Maccne

Review date:

  C’mon Tigre

Habitat cover art

 A review of Habitat by C’mon Tigre

Review date:

  Carmen Sea

Sorry cover art

 A review of Sorry by Carmen Sea

Review date:

  Cherry White

Pressure Points cover art

 A review of Pressure Points by Cherry White

Review date:

  Princess Thailand

Golden Flames cover art

 A review of Golden Flames by Princess Thailand

Review date:

  Pippa Blundell

Sisters cover art

 A review of Sisters by Pippa Blundell

Review date:

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